1. There must be some good direct buys in supply stocks, though the horse might have left the barn already.
2. What related industries (such as pipe suppliers), and individual companies will benefit most long haul from the fracking boom?
3. What other sectors or companies will be positioned to benefit best from the fracking boom?
“Does anyone have good information on how best to invest in the fracking boom?”
Send me all your money and I’ll take care of it. You don’t have to worry your pretty little head about nothin’!
*SMIRK* :)
We’re not financial advisers here. I’d hate to say such and such stock looks good and you buy it and it sinks. It’s one thing if you pay someone for such a service and they’re certified but we’re individual investors with our own money. You have to do your own Due Diligence. There are plenty of sites on the internet that offer articles like you desire. They may work out or may not. Don’t bet your life savings on a total strangers say so. You can sign up with Motley Fool or Seeking Alpha or Yahoo financials has plenty of tabs for different info. Read up on how to invest first. Buy and Hold sometimes just don’t work like it used to. Things are a little dicey with the government picking winners and losers nowadays.