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Breaking: Obama Campaign Voter Fraud
Western Journal ^ | 2/22/13 | James Simpson

Posted on 02/22/2013 3:14:59 PM PST by mgist

North Carolina’s Civitas Institute has revealed that the North Carolina State Board of Elections and the Obama campaign conspired to register at least 11,000 people via the internet in violation of state law. This has been confirmed through records requests filed with all of North Carolina’s 100 counties. The counting is not yet complete.

North Carolina does not allow online voting, but according to Civitas, SBE staff authorized an Obama campaign website,, to use a web-based registration program. The SBE’s chief lawyer responded to the charge with a plainly disingenuous 1984-newspeak answer:

Wright repeatedly denied that the SBE allowed online voter registration, insisting that it was “web-based voter registration”[ii] instead, as if there could be a “web-based” process that wasn’t online.

The technology from Allpoint Voter Services uses remote-control pens to transmit “signatures” over the Internet, according to[iii]. After entering voter information in an online form, the citizen “signs” it with a stylus or a finger. The Allpoint technology records the signature and then transmits it to one of two autopens – one in California, the other in Nevada[iv]. One of the pens transcribes the signature on to a paper voter registration form. Allpoint then mails the documents to local election boards – or is supposed to, a point we’ll come back to.

To say this is not “online” registration but “web-based” is like saying a certain vehicle is not a car, it’s an automobile. The point of having a “wet signature” – one in ink – is to provide a universally accepted way proving that a prospective voter is affirming in person all the facts on the form. To have an auto pen inserted at one point in this long computerized process is a far different thing. Even the Obama campaign called it online voter registration. Because, no matter how you twist words around, that’s what it is.

TOPICS: Government; US: North Carolina
KEYWORDS: election; electionfraud; fraud; nc2012; northcarolina; obama; obamafraud; obamathugs; usacoup; votefraud; voterfraud; voting
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To: Sun; ml/nj; ExTexasRedhead; Impy; InterceptPoint; Alamo-Girl; SunkenCiv; Clintonfatigued; ...
And Romney didn’t even TRY to fight the obvious voter fraud, even in places where Obama “won” by 99%.

Actually, there were some election districts in Philadelphia and Cleveland, for starters, where Romney was reported to have ZERO votes. That's totally impossible: even in predominantly black districts, there had to be at least a few percentage points of Romney votes, judging from the predilections of quite a number of anti-Obama black voters I had heard before the election on TV and radio. These are the voters who were truly disenfranchised! In a free and fair election, no major candidate can possibly get ZERO votes in any geographic district where his opponent is getting hundreds if not thousands. Clearly the vote totals reported were bogus. More than voter fraud, that represents vote counting and vote reporting fraud on the part of local election officials.

Memo to the GOP nationally: unless substantive changes in election procedure are instituted to diminish the multiple types of cheating and fraud, targeted to the swing states, it will be extremely difficult for the Pubbies to ever recapture the White House!

61 posted on 02/25/2013 3:29:02 AM PST by justiceseeker93
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To: Sun; ml/nj; ExTexasRedhead; Impy; InterceptPoint; Alamo-Girl; SunkenCiv; Clintonfatigued; ...
And Romney didn’t even TRY to fight the obvious voter fraud, even in places where Obama “won” by 99%.

Actually, there were some election districts in Philadelphia and Cleveland, for starters, where Romney was reported to have ZERO votes. That's totally impossible: even in predominantly black districts, there had to be at least a few percentage points of Romney votes, judging from the predilections of quite a number of anti-Obama black voters I had heard before the election on TV and radio. These are the voters who were truly disenfranchised! In a free and fair election, no major candidate can possibly get ZERO votes in any geographic district where his opponent is getting hundreds if not thousands. Clearly the vote totals reported were bogus. More than voter fraud, that represents vote counting and vote reporting fraud on the part of local election officials.

Memo to the GOP nationally: unless substantive changes in election procedure are instituted to diminish the multiple types of cheating and fraud, targeted to the swing states, it will be extremely difficult for the Pubbies to ever recapture the White House!

62 posted on 02/25/2013 3:30:03 AM PST by justiceseeker93
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To: justiceseeker93

The only one who challenged the blatant voter fraud was Congressman Allen West, and even his own party did not support him in his quest. SICKENING!

63 posted on 02/25/2013 4:28:12 AM PST by left that other site (Worry is the darkroom that developes negatives.)
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To: justiceseeker93; mazda77; vette6387; ZULU; overbore; JLAGRAYFOX; seekthetruth; celtic gal; ...

IMO, the spineless, gutless GOP has demonstrated that they have no gonads so it would be impossible for them to find them. It is up to We The People to “demand” that the voter fraud be investigated, exposed, and prosecuted.

We can start by calling our elected eunuchs and power-hungry vermin at 202-224-3121 and ask for the disgrace of your choice.

It would also help if the Tea Party would select the candidates they want to vote out of office and use the next 18 months to find a candidate with a backbone to run against them in the primaries and then get out the vote to send them packing; both parties.

64 posted on 02/25/2013 7:01:31 AM PST by ExTexasRedhead
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To: ExTexasRedhead



Very rare items these days, FRiend.


65 posted on 02/25/2013 7:23:09 AM PST by left that other site (Worry is the darkroom that developes negatives.)
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To: mgist

Of course it was voter fraud.

Surely no one believes America voted to reelect the Marxist/Muslim usurper- the worst president in American history?

Can't you just imagine the above was the scene with Obama and his Commie staff after stealing the election through voter fraud- while Conservatives blame Romney, argue, point fingers, blather on about who to run in four years, 'starting a new party', and try to figure out how to suck up to minorities the 'next time'?

Next time? What makes them think the massive voter fraud in this last farce of an election won't be repeated? If we don't clean up our voting system, there may not be a next time. We may not see another Republican president in our lifetime

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Map from Barack Obama Voter Fraud 2012

What most refuse to acknowledge is that it was unlikely that ANYBODY could have beaten the voter fraud planned and perpetrated by the criminal Obama machine. They seem to prefer pointing fingers, blaming Romney and blathering on about who to run in 2016 and how to suck up to the minorities.

>Polls indicated that Romney was going to win the election.

>The economy is close to Great Depression era conditions, and unemployment is almost as high as when Obama entered office.

>Economic conditions became so dire after Obama took office it prompted the rise of an entire new movement, the Tea Party.

>Presidents rarely win reelection when the economy is in the tank.

>Mitt knew it too, when he was met by several thousand in that parking garage cheering him when he arrived unannounced at that airport, and he put his hand over his heart and said, 'This is how you know you've won'.

So how did Romney lose a race that numerous reputable polls and pundits predicted would be an easy win, based on historical patterns?

Massive voter fraud.

That and no other reason

Almost every major Conservative website has put out an article charging voter fraud- Breitbart, American Thinker, Atlas Shrugs, WND, The Blaze, Front Page Magazine, Fox News, The Daily Caller, Town Hall, Human Events, Canada Free Press...

We cannot wait for 2014 and 2016 to regroup and figure out new strategies. By then it will be too late. The Marxist/Muslim usurper will have completed his planned distruction of America. That's what people fail to understand.

We must act NOW.

Start with the election. If we let the Rats get away with this massive voter fraud, we're no better than a bananna republic.

We must keep digging and pounding him every day, in every way we can- phony birth certificate, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, his hidden life, records....


Col Allen West; "I don't want to see America become like Zimbabwe where people don’t trust their electoral process. If we cannot trust the integrity of the voting system then we are no longer a free republic".

Col West has opened the door.

We must fight election fraud.

It falls on ‘We the People’.

Silence is consent


The website,'Barack Obama Vote Fraud 2012' is keeping a running account of cases of voter fraud and what to do about it:

Visit the site- Here



Photo of SOMALIANS brought to Ohio voting stations by the busload, 95% of whom did not speak English, and told to vote for Obama, straight Dem ticket- Here

'Human Events', report pollwatcher eyewitness to busload of Somalians at Ohio poll, spoke no English, told to vote Obama Here

Republican pole watchers; busloads of Somalians brought in Here

THE JEWISH TASK FORCE makes a excellent case that Mitt defeated Obama in 2012, if not for fraud. Here

Another poll watcher observes voter fraud Here

Spanish Company Associated w/Geo. Soros Will “Count” America's Votes Overseas In November Here


WND List of voter fraud reports Here
ATLAS SHRUGS voter fraud list. Here

Hannity and Col Allan West slam voter fraud on 'Hannity' after the election Nov 12- Here


Believe it or not, there ARE patriots out there who are going to FIGHT Obama's reelection- unlike the spineless Republicans who remain silent!

Visit the website; 'The Competent Conservative'


'These elections are NOT certified yet. The only way to get this investigated, much less recounted or overturned, is through the Secretary of State of each of the five key states: Florida, Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. EVEN IF YOU ARE IN ANOTHER STATE you can help. But it won’t do any good to dilute our effort to challenge California or Michigan or other states. Until a major group gets involved to do more, here is the plan: Contact the Secretary of State of the state in question. See contact information below... '

Visit the website, 'Halt Voter Fraud':


'This election is not over - YET. Obama has not been elected by the Electoral College - YET. The Presidential election is being stolen from us with "Chicago Style" thuggery - and we can STOP the thieves in their tracks. But we do not have time on our side. This is our LAST chance. Don't give up. We must act now.

If massive voter fraud has occured as alleged by so many, and if the state vote counts include these FRAUDULENT votes, then is it logical to say that the entire state vote is COMPROMISED and can't be trusted? 59,000,000 Americans might agree!

The state vote is used to determine the allocation of Electors in the Electoral College which actually elects the President and Vice President.

If the vote count is FRAUDULENT, FLAWED, and CAN'T BE TRUSTED - and if the Electors have been FRAUDULENTLY allocated based on FLAWED vote counts - then WE CANNOT ALLOW THE GOVERNORS TO SIGN THEIR CERTIFICATES of ASCERTAINMENT on December 17th. We can stop this if we ACT IMMEDIATELY.


Patriots must rally NOW in the State Capitols of Harrisburg,PA - Richmond, VA - Tallahassee, FL - Columbus, OH, and Madison, WI ****** MASSIVE RALLIES ** *** PATRIOT LEADERS ORGANIZE YOUR LOCAL EFFORTS NOW, coordinate with the other PATRIOT groups as they also rally, let us know who you are and how you will respond, how we can help.

Remember the Battle of Trenton?

We can make HISTORY TODAY.'

More- Here


Obama Voter Fraud on FaceBook- Here


Sign this petition- almost 117,000 and counting -cards, email- Here

Sign the ‘We The People’ petition. It has 60,000 signatures and counting- Here

Click and sign the petition for a recount Here-


Must watch videos!

VIDEO-- Programmer Testifies About Rigging Elections With Vote Counting- Here

VIDEO- Illegal Aliens Caught Voting and Stealing Elections In Florida In Vast Numbers- Here

VIDEO- MICHAEL SAVAGE: How Obama fixed the 2012 election- Here

VIDEO- Massive voter fraud discovered in April- Here

VIDEO- Whistle blower speaks out about voter fraud- Here


Voter fraud from Tea Party: Here

The American Dream- 22 Signs That Voter Fraud Is Wildly Out Of Control And The Election Was A Sham: Here

Town Hall : Obama Likely Won The Election Through Voter Fraud: Here

American Thinker: Was The Election Stolen:? Here

WSVN-TV Almost 1K Ballots Found In Broward Elections Warehouse: Here

Pundit Press; In Florida Obama Got Over 99% In Broward County Precincts: Here

Natural 19,605 to Zero IS Statistical Proof Of Outright Vote Fraud in 2012 Presidential Election: Here

Realville, USA: The Great Election Robbery of 2012? Here

WND: Here's How Touchscreens Killed Romney Votes: Here

The American Dream: Election Fraud? Obama Won More Than 99% Of The Vote in More Than 100 Ohio Precincrs: Here

WND: The Big List Of Voter Fraud Reports: Here

Nachum's List of Voter Fraud: Here


Newt Gingrich 360: Here

Appalachian Forums: Here

Before It's News: Here

WND: Here

Political Outcast: Here

True The Vote: Here

Fox News Insider: Here

Human Events; Here

The Will County News: Here

Fox News: Here

WND: Here

Townhall: Here

Breitbart Here

Accuracy In Media The Left's national voter fraud strategy exposed: Here

Thousands of military votes uncounted or missing: Here

Human Events: Here

Front Page Magazine: Here

The Blaze Here

The Daily Caller: Here

Front Page Magazine Here

Military Voter Protection Project: Here

BreitBart Here

Townhall: Here

Fox News Here

The Blaze Here


The best Obama Exposure site on the net, The Obama File: Here

The United StatesLibrary of Congress has selected for inclusion in its historic collection of Internet materials Here

66 posted on 02/25/2013 7:27:05 AM PST by patriot08 (NATIVE TEXAN (girl type))
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To: justiceseeker93

General notes and tidbits I jotted down regarding the election:

Iran shot at one of our drones on Nov. 1 six days before election and hidden from public

Iran began firing at Israel. Israel under siege and firing missiles back.

Hussein signed UN gun ban Friday after election

Putin invited Hussein to Russia Friday after election. Timing on “flexibility after election”

On Friday after elections – Dept of Interior closed the 1.6 million acres previously marked for shell oil drilling in the western states

Head of CIA Betrayus – sex scandal affair forced resignation Friday after election

St. Lucie County Florida – 158.89% votes … The Unofficial vote count is 175,554 registered voters 247,713 vote cards cast (141.10% ).

Colorado! Ten counties show 104% to 140% turnout

Many told and tweeted they’d voted multiple times

Swing states had voting machine malfunctions throwing Romney votes to Hussein

Adm Ham ordered by second in command to be arrested for disobeying orders to stand down on Benghazi

Another Gen/Adm of ship same as Ham

Another high ranking military same

Gen. Allen

Boeing and lockhead delayed layoffs until after election

Some counties with 100% voting for Hussein around the country

ORCA voting management screwed the volunteers for Romney by not sending out their packets, the packets had wrong information, they didn’t tell about the need for a certification, the app didn’t work, the phones went unanswered, etc.

Hussein lost every county that had voter ID.

Friday, November 9, 2012 - 22 Updates Posted Today and People You Can Contact! See FRIDAY UPDATES! *

Is this what Barack Obama calls a “ground game?” All things considered, on this page and elsewhere, Mitt Romney IS our President elect. Let’s do something about it!

I’ll be adding additional links on a regular basis and forwarding all of this information to Mitt’s campaign! Please send other links.

Evidence of massive Obama voter fraud in Colorado! Ten counties show 104% to 140% turnout!

Fraud: Some told they already voted, others brag about voting multiple times

Crooked Politics: Obama Lost in Every State With Photo ID Law

Philly Polling Stations Where GOP Inspectors Were Kicked Out Had 90% Voter Turnout, 99% Voted For Obama…

[Sounds like those Black Panthers who kicked out the GOP observers and stood guard at the polling stations were not just trying to intimidate voters! They were hiding something!]

Voter Fraud Watch: Two Election Judges Replaced After Illegal Activity in Ohio - Fox News Insider

Why the Polls are Wrong: Electorate is R+6

Vote fraud alert: One out of five registered Ohio voters is bogus

via @BeachCity55 on Twitter: Senior parents in Florida told not to put their ballots through their reader but in a box. Senior votes in FL not counted?

Data Points To A Powerful Romney Campaign – And Yet…He Lost?

“You have to vote for Dems” NYC poll worker tells GOP Senate candidate #IllegalElectioneering

At least 70,000 report voting problems, mostly in swing states

Plane crash destroys Afghanistan US military ballots, most of which are for Mitt Romney

Obama’s pattern of disenfranchisement of the military vote

Another Stolen Election? Election data HIGHLY suspicious AND the George Soros’ “Secretary of State Project”

White House Insider on Obama Steal the Votes Strategy (Just Before the Election)

“But…these Obama boys…they took it to a whole other level. Votes, donations…deals…it’s a lot more Putin than it is Clinton. Pay to play…Big Labor…this country never seen it at this level.”

Voter fraud witnessed in Wisconsin by one of Mitt’s ORCA observers:

52 Democrats arrested for VOTER FRAUD so far

VIDEO: Illegal Aliens Caught Voting and Stealing Elections In Florida In Vast Numbers

In 2008, John McCain Ignored Vote Fraud to Avoid Civil Unrest

[See what that got us?]

Michael Savage: How Obama fixed 2012 election

Massive voter fraud discovered in April

Is Voter Fraud Being Committed in Ohio? (Early Voting)


Pundit Press: What Luck! Obama Won Dozens of Cleveland Districts with 100% of the Vote

Photo of Ethiopians brought to Ohio voting stations by busload, 95% of whom did not speak English, and told to vote for Obama, straight Dem ticket

“Did this Dirty Trick Get Obama Re-Elected?”

Vote Fraud Expert: Romney Votes Not Counted in Key States

“Could we fix an election? Sure, they would never know it.”

Thousands of votes from our military troops uncounted or missing

Defense Department can’t put soldiers, ballots together

Voter fraud in Pennsylvania - Black Panthers return, GOP inspectors thrown out

Ohio fraudulent voter registration cards

Ohio Residents Told They Already Voted When They Showed Up At the Polls Tuesday

Poll Worker Puts Glendale Precinct’s Ballots on Car, Drives Away

Referenced above, but with more information:

Two Ohio Election Judges Removed for Allowing Unregistered Voters to Cast Ballots

Democrat Admits He’s Voted FOUR Times Already

Boston reports 129% voter turnout, 79% for Obama; 74% for Elizabeth Warren

This one could be just a calibration issue, but not necessarily based on the programer’s testimony in the next link:

Voting machine swaps Romney for Obama

Programmer Testifies About Rigging Elections With Vote Counting

VIDEO: Possible voter fraud in Pennsylvania — or just voting machine malfunction?

Voter Fraud Complaint Filed against Florida Democrats

“Ballot Re-writers” Update from Allen West

“Half the Democratic ground game is voter turnout. The other half is voter fraud.”

Voter Fraud: Obama Won 108% of Registered Voters in Wood County, Ohio

Video: Diebold Whistleblower Speaks Out on Voter Fraud

BREAKING: St. Lucie County, Florida Had 141.1% Turnout; Obama Won County

Between St. Lucie and Broward Counties, we have a pretty good idea what happened in Florida. Normal voting is what, 50% turnout? It doesn’t take many counties like this to affect an entire state by multiple percentage points.

All of these numbers between 99% (Pennsylvania) and 141.1% (Florida) turnout in dozens of counties in swing states makes me think Team Obama was panicking a lot just before the election, with Mitt up by 7% in certain early voting polls. They overcompensated so much the fraud is impossible to hide. I think they know it, which may be one reason Axelrod is stepping down. (Sound familiar Petraeus and Benghazi?)

As I told someone earlier today, this is who Obama is. This is who Chicago (the machine) is. Do we really want this to be who America is? Is this how we will define our elections from 2008 on? As Mitt says, “America can do better.” We must do better. We can’t let the message be out there that America will let this fraud go.

Want to do something about all of this? Tiffany Banks and Darin Southam forwarded me a list of people you can contact who are in the November 9, 2012 3:12 PM comment below.

Did you know voters can request a recount in certain states? (Ohio, Virginia, Florida, Wisconsin!) Take a look at the comment by @RightonMainSt dated November 9, 2012 11:45 PM below for instructions! Mitt will have to ask in Colorado himself. (Yes, you Mitt!)

It has also been suggested that we ask Republican Secretaries of State NOT to certify the election until all questions about voter fraud are abated. Some people think this may provoke a crisis, but it can’t be worse than the one we are looking at for the next four years and the impact on generations to come! America NEEDS Mitt, and Mitt won fair and square. This was not a ballot stuffing competition but an election. Let’s make sure it’s counted that way!

VOTE FRAUD IN WISCONSIN Pictures released by media trackers (more inside links) -
125 Job Corps participants brought in by vans and same day registered but didn’t live in district. Poster of Hussein by voting machine.

Obama wins 99%+ in 100 Ohio precincts in Cuyahoga County. I went to vote and I got right in the middle of Romney’s name,” Stevens told Fox News, saying that she was certain to put her finger directly on her choice for the White House.

She said that the first time she pushed “Romney,” the machine marked “Obama.”

So she pushed Romney again. Obama came up again. Then it happened a third time. Rush just reported that in 59 voting districts of Philadelphia 100% of the votes were for Obama...not one vote for Romney.

Florida’s St. Lucie County (where Mr. Obama got 247,713 votes from only 175,554 registered voters Iowa. NYT – “Mr. Romney won a single Manhattan precinct outright, a stretch of Park Avenue near the Waldorf-Astoria, where six voters showed up and four chose the Republican. But he suffered a resounding defeat in New York, a rare outbreak of consensus in a city famous for fevered disagreement: in 91 of the city’s 5,286 precincts, Mr. Obama received 100 percent of the vote.” It’s Official: Obama Voter Fraud Reason for “Reelection”/growing Totalitarian Government 2/23/13 Breaking: Obama Campaign Voter Fraud – North Carolina electronic registration fraud.

67 posted on 02/25/2013 7:42:59 AM PST by bgill
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To: left that other site

I find it hard to believe that any of them could father a child considering their lack of testosterone and gonads.

68 posted on 02/25/2013 8:30:19 AM PST by ExTexasRedhead
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To: ExTexasRedhead

True, it’s a wonder.

69 posted on 02/25/2013 9:44:56 AM PST by left that other site (Worry is the darkroom that developes negatives.)
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To: ExTexasRedhead; patriot08; editor-surveyor; little jeremiah; SatinDoll; LucyT; carmella; Kaslin; ...
It is up to We The People to “demand” that the voter fraud be investigated, exposed, and prosecuted.

Agreed. But investigating, exposing, and prosecuting individuals for election fraud is just nibbling around the edges of a much more systemic problem.

Leftists too often blatantly subvert the integrity of the election system. In their perverse value system, getting their candidate elected is everything and a free and fair election system is just a nuisance that can and should be trampled over when it interferes with their goal. So firm, logical measures must be employed in the administration of the voting system to better insure that eligible voters who wish to vote get one and only one vote.

We have to get at the organizers of the fraud schemes. And we have to get rid of many of the relatively recent changes in state election laws which aid and abet fraudsters and their schemes. These include early voting over multiple days or weeks, same day registration, Motor Voter, "no excuse" absentee voting, and mandatory voting by mail. There are also currently failures of election boards to periodically update their registration lists so as to purge from the rolls the deceased and those who become ineligible, failures to demand proof of citizenship upon registration, and failures at securing electronic voting and vote counting devices. Voter ID cards are a good idea, but they can only go so far in defeating fraud and cheating.

70 posted on 02/25/2013 9:45:14 AM PST by justiceseeker93
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To: mgist; COUNTrecount; Nowhere Man; FightThePower!; C. Edmund Wright; jacob allen; Travis McGee; ...

Nut-job Conspiracy Theory Ping!

To get onto The Nut-job Conspiracy Theory Ping List you must threaten to report me to the Mods if I don’t add you to the list...

71 posted on 02/25/2013 9:46:10 AM PST by null and void (Gun confiscation enables tyranny. Don't enable tyranny.)
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To: null and void

I am shocked shocked I tell you......

72 posted on 02/25/2013 10:15:53 AM PST by Nifster
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To: null and void; blam

We were robbed

73 posted on 02/25/2013 10:27:45 AM PST by Lady Jag (If you can't make them see the light, let them feel the heat. - Reagan)
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To: bgill; patriot8
Both your posts were excellent rollups of the facts, but in the words of the Emperor:

"There were too many notes..."

Which means of course, the stupids will never read it.

74 posted on 02/25/2013 10:46:15 AM PST by Old Sarge (We are officially over the precipice, we just havent struck the ground yet...)
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To: null and void; Sun; ExTexasRedhead; ml/nj; editor-surveyor; little jeremiah; Varmint Al; Impy; ...
Yes, Diebold, as demonstrated in your cartoon, is the manufacturer of electronic voting equipment that has been ruled in legal cases to have been hacked to produce false voting results. I believe that such devices are still being used in some localities under a different manufacuturer's name due to a corporte merger or acquisition.

If we're really interested in election integrity and the security of electronic devices remains unachievable, perhaps it is time to go back to earlier methods of voting like paper ballots - under careful watch by representatives of all competing candidates. Far better to emphasize honesty and fairness in elections, as opposed to speed in determining the results.

75 posted on 02/25/2013 10:56:19 AM PST by justiceseeker93
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To: Lady Jag

Good post!

76 posted on 02/25/2013 10:57:55 AM PST by justiceseeker93
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To: justiceseeker93

Paper ballots, purple fingers. I’m sooooo there!

77 posted on 02/25/2013 11:05:34 AM PST by null and void (Gun confiscation enables tyranny. Don't enable tyranny.)
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To: justiceseeker93


78 posted on 02/25/2013 11:10:38 AM PST by Eleutheria5 (End the occupation. Annex today.)
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To: mgist


79 posted on 02/25/2013 11:32:27 AM PST by COUNTrecount (Clear eyes. Full hearts. Can't fail .But We Did.)
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To: Doogle

You know, Hillary is only a bump on the head or two away from being the ruler of the Universe, let alone this measley-peasley President thingy...

80 posted on 02/25/2013 11:47:54 AM PST by Delta Dawn
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