IMO, the spineless, gutless GOP has demonstrated that they have no gonads so it would be impossible for them to find them. It is up to We The People to “demand” that the voter fraud be investigated, exposed, and prosecuted.
We can start by calling our elected eunuchs and power-hungry vermin at 202-224-3121 and ask for the disgrace of your choice.
It would also help if the Tea Party would select the candidates they want to vote out of office and use the next 18 months to find a candidate with a backbone to run against them in the primaries and then get out the vote to send them packing; both parties.
Very rare items these days, FRiend.
Agreed. But investigating, exposing, and prosecuting individuals for election fraud is just nibbling around the edges of a much more systemic problem.
Leftists too often blatantly subvert the integrity of the election system. In their perverse value system, getting their candidate elected is everything and a free and fair election system is just a nuisance that can and should be trampled over when it interferes with their goal. So firm, logical measures must be employed in the administration of the voting system to better insure that eligible voters who wish to vote get one and only one vote.
We have to get at the organizers of the fraud schemes. And we have to get rid of many of the relatively recent changes in state election laws which aid and abet fraudsters and their schemes. These include early voting over multiple days or weeks, same day registration, Motor Voter, "no excuse" absentee voting, and mandatory voting by mail. There are also currently failures of election boards to periodically update their registration lists so as to purge from the rolls the deceased and those who become ineligible, failures to demand proof of citizenship upon registration, and failures at securing electronic voting and vote counting devices. Voter ID cards are a good idea, but they can only go so far in defeating fraud and cheating.