Hope this helps, MSNBC!
She’s a Dem.
This is not “party unknown.” MSNBC is highly politicized. They know perfectly well that she’s a Democrat, and they’re hoping none of their readers and listeners have enough initiative to check.
Who’s the only President who confessed to being a crackhead and pothead? Just think, had he been caught he’d have been guilty of a felony and hence, unable to pass a background check for a pistol. And the msm piles on Rubio for getting a drink of water. I’ve had it.
That's a typo right?
The mayor’s office in non-partisan, but Maureen is a democrat, a well known fact.
Then, unless she had nearly that amount, could she have (take your pick from the following...) stolen, mis-appropriated, "borrowed", found, been given, or just owe that amount?
A thorough audit and accounting seems like a prudent idea, n'est ce pas?
Not much of a poker player, one might observe.
If it weren’t for how women have been treated historically in this country, she wouldn’t have had to do this. Probably could be traced to the misogynists in the Republican Party.
I feel so sorry for this lady. Good thing she wasn’t caught in a cabin in some deserted forest with thousands of cops waiting to burn her alive.
We know. When the media leaves out the party for a criminal, we automatically know it’s democrat.
When they say “teens” we know.
When they say “motive unknown” we know.
When they say “sliced heads” we know.
When they say “flash rob” we know.
One reason that I don’t commit crimes is because I could only commit little ones, which guarantees that I would do hard time and be punished hardcore.
She’s a liberal democRAT. But I’m surprised NBC didn’t say she was a Republican.
My my my. California elects every Democrat they can in the last election, but they don’t legalize marijuana? And we have all these Democrat women who can’t seem to keep track of billions of dollars? Wonder if that money came from the drug trade to elect Democrats.
O’Connor was the Democratic leader of California’s second-largest city from 1986 to 1992. The two-term mayor was elected San Diego’s first female leader after eight years on the City Council. She was married to Robert O. Peterson, founder of the Jack-In-The-Box restaurant chain.
Her attorney should be jailed for being a dumb ass liar. No way could she have won and lost a billion dollars playing video poker. Even in this age of a trillion dollars, a billion dollars is a huge amount. Plus, it is statistically impossible to win one billion dollars or something far less playing video poker. The video machines are set for the casino to have a small edge which over time gives the casino its profits. One person playing for a long time has to end up losing to the house.
As a former resident of SD, I and every resident know that Maureen is a Democrat. As like just about all county and city elected positions in California are non-partisan, although in recent years that has turned into a joke as the Dem Party began pouring money into these non-partisan elections.
This reminds me of a ridiculous, legendary incident in Reading, PA in the mid 1960’s. The mayor was convicted and sent to prison for selling the city’s snow plows, and using the proceeds to pay his gambling debts.
That's almost $350 thousand per day. Does not pass the smell test. Either that's a typo or a mis-speak or they're trying to cover up money laundering, too.