I am sorry to hear what happened to you, but your statements put it all into perspective. Didn’t know that bosses were expecting employees to finish the workday with so much snow on the immediate horizon. Stay safe, keep warm and God Bless.
Thanks! I believe after my conversation with him (we NEVER close) that there was no way in heck I was going in today, he probably started watching the weather on Long Island.
Everything is good here. Thank the Good Lord we didn’t lose electric!
None of of expected this blizzard to come down on us at the time it did. THANKS EXPERTS!!!
Do you know they still had “rain” as current while we were watching the blizzard before our eyes? They finally came out and stated” some people are reporting snow in their area”.
I didn’t take Sandy seriously because these idiots always blow everything up. Got screwed on that one.
I was nervous with this blizzard, even though they down played our area. Again, screwed.
What the heck is wrong with this world? Truth is lies and lies are truth. I don’t need a tin foil hat. I know they are trying to kill us off.
What I don’t get, if they are SOOOO concerned about over-population, why don’t they do us all a favor and off themselves?
I know, different subject...but somehow related.