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Biden says Administration Doesn't Have Time to Prosecute People Who Lie on Background Checks
National Rifle Association of America Institute for Legislative Action ^ | January 18, 2013 | NRA Press Office

Posted on 01/20/2013 8:01:47 AM PST by forty_years

As has been widely reported, an NRA representative recently met with an Obama administration-directed firearm task force led by longtime gun control supporter Vice-President Joe Biden. It came as no surprise that the meeting had little to do with keeping our children safe and much to do with an agenda to attack the Second Amendment. But you may be surprised to know one of the revelations that came out of the meeting.

Jim Baker, NRA-ILA's Director of Federal Affairs, represented NRA at the meeting. As detailed in a recent Daily Caller article, Mr. Baker was given five minutes to present NRA's concerns and the approach NRA saw as being the most effective way to safeguard our children. During those five minutes, Baker mentioned the need to vigorously prosecute existing gun laws. He further noted the low number of prosecutions for falsifying information on Form 4473s, and the low felony prosecution rate for gun crimes in general.

In response to Mr. Baker's comments, Vice-President Biden said, "And to your point, Mr. Baker, regarding the lack of prosecutions on lying on Form 4473s, we simply don't have the time or manpower to prosecute everybody who lies on a form, that checks a wrong box, that answers a question inaccurately." That's right: Biden said the administration just doesn't have time to prosecute crimes (felonies punishable by up to a 10-year prison sentence) under existing laws, but is proposing a host of sweeping new laws.

According to federal statistics cited in the Daily Caller article, in 2010, prosecutors considered just 22 cases of information falsification, and 40 additional background-check cases ended up before prosecutors for reasons related to unlawful gun possession. Prosecutors pursued just 44 of those 62 cases, although more than 72,600 applications were denied on the basis of a background check. Overall, gun prosecutions per capita in 2011 were down 35 percent from the previous administration's peak in 2004.

"We think it is problematic when the administration takes lightly the prosecutions under existing gun laws and yet does not seem to have a problem promoting a whole host of other gun laws," said Baker. "If we are not going to enforce the laws that are on the books, it not only engenders disrespect for the law but it makes law-abiding gun owners wonder why we are going through this exercise we are going through now."

Commenting on the administration's inability to prosecute persons who lie to obtain a firearm, NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox said, "They don't have time to pursue people who are dangerous, who aren't supposed to get guns, and the message they have sent is literally 'Good luck, go get them elsewhere.' You can talk all you want," Cox continued, "but until there is a will to follow through, then it is literally just going to paper over the problem and guarantee that bad people continue to have access to firearms and good people will be blamed for it."

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: banglist; bhobanglist; bhodoj; biden; constitution; guncontrol; guns; law; obama; secondamendment
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1 posted on 01/20/2013 8:01:53 AM PST by forty_years
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To: forty_years

They don’t have time to chase down illegal aliens either. Just what the hell do they do all day?

2 posted on 01/20/2013 8:04:59 AM PST by FlingWingFlyer (HealthCare IS NOT a right. The RIGHT to keep and bear arms is.)
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To: forty_years

Well then it certainly doesn’t have the time to enforce any of the other laws Biden is pressing for. Time to repeal a bunch of laws until there’s enough time to prosecute the remaining ones. May I suggest the Gun Control Act of 1968, as amended, and the National Firearms Act of 1934, as amended? That would be a good start, but there might be more if there still isn’t time to prosecute those, either.

3 posted on 01/20/2013 8:05:10 AM PST by coloradan (The US has become a banana republic, except without the bananas - or the republic.)
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To: forty_years

Have you recently filled out the documents to purchase a gun?

I do not take those statements lightly and I despise the intimidation associated with them.

4 posted on 01/20/2013 8:07:42 AM PST by Texas Fossil
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To: FlingWingFlyer
They don’t have time to chase down illegal aliens either. Just what the hell do they do all day?

Gun running is hard work.

5 posted on 01/20/2013 8:08:09 AM PST by TADSLOS ( "I ask sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people except for a few politicians."-George Mason)
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To: forty_years

Well . . . if the Regime can’t handle the job . . . . .

6 posted on 01/20/2013 8:10:45 AM PST by YHAOS
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To: forty_years
We're too busy; just turn 'em in.

Sounds like the first executive order by the proud Pres. (Plugs, Bite Me) Biden.
7 posted on 01/20/2013 8:11:09 AM PST by sasquatch
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To: coloradan
This whole episode strikes me a totally amateurish, but what are we to expect from a child like Obama, and Biden with terminal hoof in mouth disease? People are mobilizing against this blatant power grab. Please tell your elected reps to oppose Obama's gun control legislation/executive orders. This CAPWIZ link makes it easy to find and write your reps.
8 posted on 01/20/2013 8:11:28 AM PST by forty_years
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To: forty_years
This is so obvious to me. They don't want to prosecute these violations. They want more criminals with guns. This strengthens their case for banning guns. Hey if a bunch of kids die, they are only a means to an end. Marxism is evil whether in the open or hiding within the democrat party. People don't matter only their agenda. Look at Fast and Furious. Wake up America.
9 posted on 01/20/2013 8:14:53 AM PST by mosaicwolf (Strength and Honor)
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To: forty_years
That's right: Biden said the administration just doesn't have time to prosecute crimes (felonies punishable by up to a 10-year prison sentence) under existing laws, but is proposing a host of sweeping new laws.

Biden, Obama and dems are NOT interested in 'crime control' but in 'gun control'. They want to take guns away from lawfull citizens. Dems are NOT trying to take guns away from gang members - the type who slaughter the children of Chicago. Nope, they're after middle class guns. Guns honest people use for protection.

ALL the school shooters were democrats or their parents were democrats. Most were on psychoactive drugs. Over 96% of prison inmates are democrats. Chicago street gangs organized recently for democrats...

Biden is NOT going after criminals. Biden is going after us.

10 posted on 01/20/2013 8:31:50 AM PST by GOPJ ( Gang members breaking down YOUR door- daughter and wife screaming for help - Dems took YOUR gun....)
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To: forty_years
That's right: Biden said the administration just doesn't have time to prosecute crimes (felonies punishable by up to a 10-year prison sentence) under existing laws, but is proposing a host of sweeping new laws.

Biden, Obama and dems are NOT interested in 'crime control' but in 'gun control'. They want to take guns away from lawful citizens. Dems are NOT trying to take guns away from gang members - the type who slaughter the children of Chicago. Nope, they're after middle class guns. Guns honest people use for protection.

ALL the school shooters were democrats or their parents were democrats. Most were on psychoactive drugs. Over 96% of prison inmates are democrats. Chicago street gangs organized recently for democrats...

Biden is NOT going after criminals. Biden is going after us.

11 posted on 01/20/2013 8:32:31 AM PST by GOPJ ( Gang members breaking down YOUR door- daughter and wife screaming for help - Dems took YOUR gun....)
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To: forty_years

Background check records will provide one more place to do opposition research.

Candidate x said on his application he lived at 123 first street. In fact he lived at 124 first street.


12 posted on 01/20/2013 8:36:34 AM PST by DManA
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To: forty_years

During class photos in High Skrool they asked if you had any awards?
My brother wrote he was a member of the National Honor Society. On the Deans List. Class prisident, MENSA member, volunteered as a candy striper, etc etc.
Made himself to look like GODS gift to the world.
None of which was true at all but it all made it in the year book. NO ONE CHECKED

13 posted on 01/20/2013 9:09:13 AM PST by Joe Boucher ((FUBO))
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To: FlingWingFlyer

Oh, you know, beer summits, surfing internet porn, looking for other people’s reports to plagiarize, selling guns to Mexican drug cartels, there’s hardly enough time in the day!

14 posted on 01/20/2013 9:10:15 AM PST by Still Thinking (Freedom is NOT a loophole!)
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To: DManA

Or the space on the form was so frickin small (and I believe they cracked down on that pernicious racket of abbreviating), the guy may have just done the best he could and the examiner’s interpretation of his scrawl is different from his actual address. That’s what passes for a “crime” these days.

15 posted on 01/20/2013 9:14:04 AM PST by Still Thinking (Freedom is NOT a loophole!)
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To: Still Thinking
Oh, you know, beer summits, surfing internet porn, looking for other people’s reports to plagiarize, selling guns to Mexican drug cartels, there’s hardly enough time in the day!

Prince Humperdinck: [sincerely] Tyrone, you know how much I love watching you work, but I've got my country's 500th anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, my wife to murder and Guilder to frame for it; I'm swamped.

Count Rugen: Get some rest. If you haven't got your health, then you haven't got anything.

16 posted on 01/20/2013 9:23:08 AM PST by Conservative_Rob
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To: Conservative_Rob

LOLZ — we just watched that movie for the first time in years last night!

17 posted on 01/20/2013 9:37:24 AM PST by Still Thinking (Freedom is NOT a loophole!)
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To: forty_years; All
18 posted on 01/20/2013 9:38:30 AM PST by SWAMPSNIPER (The Second Amendment, a Matter of Fact, Not a Matter of Opinion)
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"Understanding How Good People Turn Evil"

Are we absolutely sure these particular people were ever good in the first place?

19 posted on 01/20/2013 9:42:05 AM PST by Still Thinking (Freedom is NOT a loophole!)
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To: forty_years; Revolting cat!
Four years of Certifigate has already told us this.

20 posted on 01/20/2013 10:11:16 AM PST by a fool in paradise (America 2013 - STUCK ON STUPID)
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