These people are amazing. Regression analysis accurately predicts THE PAST. Raise taxes via a per mile basis? Watch the people change. Of course, we’re not supposed to be able to drive around freely, according to Agenda 21.
This would pretty much destroy me financially if it were to happen.
Spending the taxes that were intended to build and repair roads, on mass transit and bike paths/lanes didn’t help either.
Or they could just get rid of CAFE requirements, open all federal lands back up for oil drilling and simply raise the gas tax.
Who am I kidding, right?
“grim picture of the nation’s infrastructure?”...
The grim picture in the White House needs to be fixed first!!
The Obamareich wants nothing more than to put a GPS tracker in every car. The tax is just a cover for their real purpose.
They want a way to track the serfs as the go about their business.
There’s much they can learn. They will know where you go, when you go, and how fast you get there. They will know if you spend too much time at the target range, or if you attend Tea Party events. They will know where you work, and will correlate that with your tax returns. They will know who you associate with.
This is not a good thing.
Obama spent $1 trillion on a federal “stimulus”, most of which was supposed to go to infrastructure improvements (shovel-ready jobs).
The reality is that municipalities took this federal money and used it on projects that already had a source of funding. The displaced money was used to bolster government worker pension funds.
Result: few new projects were funded. We’re out $1T and almost nothing changed.
This is just another scheme to funnel money to under-funded union pensions, so that unions can continue to funnel money to the Democrats.
Approve nothing, unless it is designated for a specific and necessary infrastructure project.
Wow - they can track how far I drive, without a warrant but they can’t come up with a way to close our borders.
Another day in Obamaland. :)
I already pay per mile tax, that’s what those fed taxes on my purchase of gasoline are for.
They tell us to stop smoking as it hurts all tax payers in health care costs. So we quit and they compplain about not having enough tax revs for state funded health care
They tell us to stop driving gas guzzlers. Love Mother Earth. So we do and drive eco cars. Then they complain because there isn’t enough tax money for the highways.
At age 62, I am a few years away from the end. And that will take care of the population problem. But after I go, they will complain that I am no longer paying taxes.
You can’t win !
The administration floated that plan in the first term, but scrapped it when it was met with public outrage. However, several states and some in Congress are now eyeing the plan, keeping it alive as a federal option.
The simplest way to administer this would be to have the fees collected in arrears during the annual vehicle inspection, when the odometer reading is noted down. States that don’t require a vehicle inspection would probably need to set one up. Maybe they’ll arrange to split the fees over 12 months so as to minimize the immediate hit to the wallet.
Problem with mileage taxes is people using the roads traveling through and tourists pay nothing. Otherwise, it would be more fair than the gas tax, where as someone driving a Corvette, pays double what someone driving a Prius despite costing road maintenance no more.
Will Hussein and Moochelle be taxed by the mile while vacationing on Air Force One?
But Obama used the stimulus money to fund “shovel ready projects” to rebuild our infrastrucure........
Revenue is decreasing because usage is decreasing - because so many people are out of work, are under employed, fuel costs are so high - it has nothing to do with Obama’s efforts to legislate better gas mileage.
The problem is Obama actually believes his own BS.
It’s getting time to go Galt, my friends.
Good let it go dry. There is no need for any gas taxes. I don’t accept their premise. The feds already get plenty in taxes that should be spent on roads, defense and essential services instead of entitlements and giveaways.
But wait! That makes it harder for my Prius to save me money!
So at what point do the people wake up and shoot the bastards?