TEA Party members don’t take telephone interviews.
obama is doing his appointed work very well.
The nomination of Romney and the leadership of Bonehead have done more to destroy the conservative movement than liberal Democrats ever have
The Tea Party is a MOVEMENT that supports a return to Constitutional small gov’t - no membership cards, dues or specific leader with a target on their back.
Will this ever sink in?
THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.
Many rude awakenings in store for drinkers of that particular kool.aid . . .
Ok, no shock. It is all about the labelling.
The Media has spent day and night defining the Tea Party as an ACTUAL ENTITY that is racist, homophoboic, sexist, gun toting kooks bent on murder and mayhem. Given that, if I call the average person up and ask if they are a member of the “Tea Party” what would they answer?
But, if I call the average person up and ask them if they are for fiscal responsibility in the form of lower government spending, are for less government regulation, lower taxes, against government run healthcare, against a government that makes rules and laws it does not live by and protects its own elitist supporters, what would they answer? I bet a lot more than 8% would say they are for all of those things.
The joke is that the latter is exactly what the Tea Party stands for because it is not really a party at all but a movement. The candidates that espouse the ideals of this movement are currently the only one’s winning jack or squat for the Republican Party.
Rasmussen has NEVER called me..I am a proud Tea Party member
Most tea party types back at work, dead beats still partying or trying to sober up.
“Conservatism is at a low point right now.”
Perhaps, but ANGRY Conservatism is at an all time high.
Ask all those people again if they believe the government is too big and if they feel they've been taxed enough already. A lot of those people would be shocked to find out they ARE the TEA movement. They just didn't know it.
The problem with the TEA party is they've not explained themselves well. Most people have no idea what TEA means. I've had to explain that to people myself. Once they find out what TEA stands for, they're all for it!
When both the evil Left and their mendacious RINO GOP-e “Right Wing” toadies are out to destroy you, it may be best to be low profile and noncommittal until close to election day.
Was this Before or After the new paychecks?
The media’s use of Alinsky tactics against the TEA Party has worked.
No one is interested in seeing the inside of room 101!
Tea Party folks in my general vicinity, started getting the “Are you, or aren’t you, born-again?” classification, as part of being officially listed, as a “full member”.
I agree with the Tea Party —political views—, but having to declare my personal religious philosophy before the crowd, I felt that I was at an AA meeting! “Ain’t none of yo’ bizness!”
People don’t like to be on the losing team, and we got kicked in the teeth in November. Numbers will rebound before long.
The GOP RINOs need to keep their fingers out of the Tea Party and stop co-opting it.