I guess Schmoo Scarborough can’t handle the truth. Really Schmoo? Obama and the Democrats are above playing politics with tragedy when they play politics with EVERYTHING? Why is their SOUL FOCUS on getting answers to this tragedy on guns, and nothing on the culture, the break up of the family (the Lanzas were divorced), violent media, the mental healthcare system, etc? Schmoo, stop trying so hard to get into Mika Brezinski’s pants and being liked by the rest of the demented MessNBC crowd by agreeing with all their stupidity. You’re starting to look as deranged as Hissy Boy Matthews and Special Ed Schultz.
“... why do Americans need...?”
Because it’s the “Bill of Rights”, not the “Bill of Needs”. Joe, Ed, Keith, Crissy, and all the rest of you, why is this so hard for you to understand?
To protect ourselves against the likes of you, Mister Joe Schmuck."
o tell me, why do Americans need assault weapons? Why do they need these high-capacity clips? Why do they need a bushmaster?
Because it would be hard to overthrow ObaMugabe’s mau mau communist regime with pee shooters.
I say we ban high capacity news channels..
Why not just give these people the honest answer to why high capacity weapons are needed...because we need to have the means to protect ourselves from our own federal government.
The only difference between Mika and Joe is that Mika is smarter.
Don't ask a question when you're not certain of the answer, you rodent faced phony.
At the risk of engaging a moron in debate, I'll nonetheless answer the question: so that there can be no venue in which a person with evil intent can murder school children without surviving a challenge from a heoric armed defender... who might at least buy enough time to save lives.
> Obviously the law is not a barrier to these acts (virtually every perp involved in a mass shooting has broken multiple laws already on the books - even before the law of murder was broken).
> Obviously resources are not a barrier (many shooters have broken their bank to obtain the means to do their deeds)
> Obviously the idea of the shooter being killed during the rampage is expected as part of the heinous acts, so there's no deterrent there. These people are checking out and trying to take as many with him as possible - so that his name becomes known on shows like this one.
So tell me, Mr. Scarborough (et al), how do you expect to legislate an end to this problem? Or do you wish to add to the list of victims in target-rich, arms-free public environments by assuming that having a gun in hand makes a person evil by association.
(rant over)
The same reason why irresponsible, ignorant journalists NEED a TV show.
Scarborough asked So tell me, why do Americans need assault weapons? Why do they need these high-capacity clips? Why do they need a bushmaster? Can you tell me why?
Because AG Eric Holder and P_sident Obama have given thousands of them to Mexican drug lords and other bad guys that use those weapons to kill innocent men, women and children in their own country and to kill our Border Patrol Agents, LEOs and other American civilians.
Joe sounds exactly like all the other rabid liberals on the network so the transformation is now complete.
Joe, the Liberal RINO. ...he mocked and ridiculed the Republican presidential nominee more than anyone. I would bet he voted for Obama.
we have to back up and attack the language these people use. “need”? This language presupposes someone should not be allowed to have something unless the government agrees they ‘need’ it. Our side can not allow language like this to stand unchallenged. Does anyone really ‘need’ an abortion?
Actually, I think the 2nd Amendment response to all these TV, cable and personal on-air interviews should be “go pick up a copy of the US Constitution, if you are smart enough to know how to do that.” “Then you can take your silly-ass emotional arguments and stick them back up your ass from whence they came.”
We - the collective “we” - those that still believe American individuals (law abiding) have this right, even in the wake of this tradgedy, one of many perpetrated against all the protection of Connecticut’s strict laws and other locales like it, shouldn’t deign to discuss this fundamental right with hysterical ideologues wishing to push an agenda or bump up their sorry assed ratings.
Like the NRA, have a press conference, state your points and stand your ground. And, raise holy hell with your elected representatives to protect your right. Screw the media, screw the gun rights groups. Don’t give them a reason to bump this back into the news cycle.
So, does Scarborough agree that plying an intern with alcohiol and drugs during a campaign should also be illegal.
It has killed so many....
I challenge every one of these ‘gun control advocates’ to admit that they did not wish that there was an armed staff member at Sandy Hook to confront that evil a-hole! If Scarborough had his kid in that school I guarantee you he would have wanted it! He is full of crap! It’s so politically correct, and easy, to say no guns in school, until it’s your kid who’s in danger. I guarantee you the parents of the deceased children wish there was someone who could have saved their kids!!