Posted on 12/15/2012 8:39:39 PM PST by Nachum
A new Army manual that warns American soldiers in Afghanistan to avoid talking about certain topics has unwittingly acknowledged that Western taboos such as pedophilia are an inherent part of Islamic culture.
By mentioning that pedophilia and womens rights and saying that soldiers should not mention such things they are tacitly admitting that those things are indeed part of Islam, said Robert Spencer, founder of Jihad Watch.
According to the Wall Street Journal, a new 75-page Army manual suggests U.S. soldiers are to blame for the large number of deadly attacks on them by Afghan security forces. The manual reportedly says the soldiers may have brought the attacks on themselves because of insensitivity towards Islamic culture.
Many of the confrontations occur because of [coalition] ignorance of, or lack of empathy for, Muslim and/or Afghan cultural norms, resulting in a violent reaction from the [Afghan security force] member, the draft report prepared by Army researchers and obtained by the Journal said.
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Full title: Army acknowledges pedophilia part of Islam Manual warns soldiers in Afghanistan not to talk about certain subjects
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The British Empire knew how to handle barbaric behavior.
Sadly, we are just as barbaric as the barbarians now.
#ing pathetic.
The president recently visited Malaysia without Michelle.
Seems as though we’re almost in the deepest level of hell right now.
While a tolerance of pedophilia and the treatment of women as chattel are indeed part of Islam under the version of sharia held by most fiqh, Spencer’s conclusion that the Army’s new instructions acknowledge this does not follow.
Unless an occupying power is willing to take stern measures of the sort the British used to suppress suttee in India, not objecting to local customs shared by local allies and local enemies alike is probably a good idea. All that follows from the Army’s decision is that the army acknowledges that tolerating pedophilia and treating women as chattel are part of the local culture in Afghanistan, not an acknowledgement that they are endemic to Islam, much less “part of Islam”.
It boggles my mind that we are still in Afghanistan.
Friggin Russkis are just laughing
The British were their own kind of barbarians. We’re a long way here in the US from barbarism because of one nut job.
One question all donors have to answer is if they have ever had sex with another male. Gay males are not allowed to donate blood because they are considered high risk. One exception to that is if it was a molestation by a male as a child. In just the last couple of years, we've had three Saudi students answer yes to that question and explain they were molested as kids. That vs one American kid.
Even though there are a lot of foreign students, Americans of course way outnumber them. That would be an unbelievably high percentage for the Saudi kids if that was the norm. It was enough to get my attention and make me wonder if pedophilia was way more common over there.
“The British were their own kind of barbarians. “
An interesting statement, may I ask for examples?
Donnelly noted the example of Navy Lt. Florence Choe, who was shot by an Afghan guard in 2009 for wearing shorts while jogging along the perimeter of the base.
My point, exactly - no Muslim should ever be on an American military installation. Ditto for allowing any Muslim in America.
Why? Because there is no way to predict when they are about to exercise their ‘inner MadMo’ and turn terrorist.
Islam Delenda Est - because of what Islam is, and what Muslims do.
We need to know who wrote it, who approved of it, and who published it.....and get rid of them all!!!
The Red Cross blood center in my neighborhood doesn't contain the "have you ever had sex with another male" question -- WITH the childhood molestation qualification -- in its screening questionnaire.
Whatever you do, while serving in the military, don’t expose evil. Evil is good and good is evil.
Sharia in the US military making way for legalized child rape in the US. That is the shared goal and end game of islam and liberalism.
Strange exception. Did the blood-drive company think children are immune from AIDS?
Isn’t there a mental disease or neurosis when abused individual blames self, accuses him/herself of causing the abuser’s actions?
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