a .223 caliber rifle is a HUNTING rifle, not an “assault weapon”.
You won’t get far with a .223 against automatic weapons.
This is why I don’t pay attention to initial news reports. Maybe by tomorrow, a more accurate story will emerge.
I’m curious about the mask he was wearing.
Was his mom a single parent?
RYAN Lanza may need the Beasley Law Firm, the one representing George Zimmerman....boy is the media deliberately awful in reporting.
In this day and age of high tech....how can you mess up so much on one story?
Probably felt that his mother loved her kids in her class more than she loved him. And this is how he got back at her.
This just in? We haven’t heard this news before, why the delay?!
Oops, there already is such a law.
Just goes to show, gun control does nothing to stop lunatics with murder in their hearts.
OK, Now let’s arrest everyone in the Tri-state area named Ryan or Adam Lonza!
Gotta keep DHS, TSA and CNN busy! They can sort it out later!
Not only has he be wrongly identified in the media as the perpetrator of this, but he’s lost his mother and his brother. Prayers for Ryan Lanza along with all the people and their families affected by this.
NBC channel 4 here in DC is already talking gun control.
I swear. I am not a conspiracy theorist but I do know that Communists know pshycology and I wonder if they are somehow spurring these incidents to ban guns so they, the Government Communists, can finally take over our Country.
Since Obambi has another four years, he can back door massive gun control and Congress, especially the House, will say nor do nothing about it.
Tony Danza. Look out!! You’re next.
"But now he is dead....I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me." 2 Samuel 12:23
What part of free will should God take away form us to prevent these terrible events?
Jared Lee Loughner (Tucson,AZ) - 23 yo white male.
Adam Lanza (Newtown, CT) - 20 yo white male
James Eagan Holmes (Aurora, CO) - 24 yo white male.
Jacob Tyler Roberts (Oregon mall) - 22 yo white male
Eric David Harris (Colulumbine, CO) - 19 yo white male
Dylan Bennet Klebold (Columbine, CO) - 17 yo white male
Anyone detect a pattern here? It’s time to check these shooters’ medical histories for psychotropic drugs.
I thought the name of the scum bag was Ryan, now it’s Adam..maybe its his brother who is named Adam..My heart breaks for those innocent babies. How someone can look at a 5 year old and blow them away, Satan has many faces
Just by being in Facebook you can have your name dragged through the mud.
It’s happened twice now.
It’s those precarious early 20’s when young men could develop schizophrenic traits.
by 7:30 this evening he’ll probably be Mario Lanza
I wonder if this is the other brother of the shooter?
(This dude is weird hmmm)
I bet this kid was on anti depressants, and quit taking them. I’m also wondering if he was a homosexual.