Posted on 12/03/2012 10:26:14 AM PST by Colofornian
Yep. He was, is, and will remain very, very bad news, as I've been saying since 2008 when my eyes were opened with regard to his actual track record.
And shallow letterman types like Gator ("Ive met folks of your type. You are just another one of those that set out to divide the ranks and you think you have the only correct answer. I used to eat those types for breakfast and fire the rest of them before lunch" (what a joke -- Gator, Romney ate YOU for breakfast) think that because we're actually paying attention to the consequences of what we're voting FOR instead of approaching it like sports where the Team Jersey is all that counts, accuse us of being divisive.
In truth, Gator and other Romney Pom Pom Girls are doing the opposite of seeking to divide -- they are seeking to merge both Democrats and Republican "bipartisan" political principle to the point that there is no measurable difference philosophically: by Romney's standards, both are pro state-managed health care, pro homosexual agenda from gradeschools to military, pro activist liberal judges, pro tax-funded on-demand abortion, pro environmentalist agenda, and pro gun control.
Please, tell me oh Eat Us for Breakfast Gator, what has Romney ever done in office that has highlighted the philosophical difference between Republican and Democrat?What has he ever done that a Democrat wouldn't do, what has he done -- DONE, not promised or claimed or said, but DONE -- that defines the difference between a Republican and a Democrat?
With Romney at the helm, what is the point of being a Republican?
Use of the phrase "you're boring me" reveals an adolescent attention span and mentality but above all, lack of substance. You're a phony.
You don’t seem to understand.
The Romneys told these stories for 40 years, both the father and the son would have to “clarify” every time that they were called on it, these were lies, Romney was still lying and “clarifying” in 2007.
Nobody says this My father and I marched with Martin Luther King Jr. through the streets of Detroit. without trying to give the impression that they “marched” with MLK.
Both George Romney, and Mitt Romney have had to apologize for having claimed to have marched with MLK, apologies made in the 1970s, 1980s, and in 2007 as Mitt kept using the MLK lie.
I think SFF understands perfectly. However, SFF is primarily emotional, perceiving factual accounts of Romney's record as "hate." SFF uses emotions to demonize those who don't agree with him/her, and to rationalize voting for a functional liberal who is pro statist and anti conservative in every demonstrable way.
Not rash at all..... I meant what I said and if my wonderful bride of over 40 years would let me, I would already be living on a boat.
I can be a very stubborn man and I want to live that dream, but this is my 3rd wife and she is too wonderful to ever give up. Besides, I probably wouldn’t last a month without her, on land or at sea.
BUT, last week I came real close!! I bought the first Lotto ticket I had purchased in over 20 years. I won!!!! Yes, I am now $3s closer to buying that boat... just need a wee bit more luck. My bride tells me that my $5 ticket only paid $3, which means that it cost me .... but I still consider it a win.
Perhaps you should save this post to help you for the next time that you want to play this dumbass game.
Well, he/she/it IS boring me. Deal with it.
BTW, at 64 years of age, I feel I should thank you for calling me an adolescent. My bride tells me that I see the world through the eyes of a child... perhaps you’re on to something.
LOL... it is sure apparent that I hit a few nerves today. The guilt that some are packing around must be a heavy burden. ;>)
Romney made the statement repeatedly over a period of decades. It's not only in print in various forms from many different speeches and interviews, it's in taped interviews over that period.
Romney's never denied the statements. He and his campaign have walked back the statement, just as he's walked back oft-repeated but false claim that his father walked out of the 1964 GOP Convention when Goldwater was nominated. In fact, George Romney seconded the nomination and remained in the convention hall when the walkout took place.
I thought this thread was unnecessary. I particularly thought the tie in of the White Horse Prophecy and other LDS comments were unnecessary.
It's clear to me that Romney phrased his oft-repeated statement to give the impression that his father physically was with MLK at a march.
Hear, hear! (additional comment in braces [ ] from me)
Its all moot at this time, isn’t it? We are stuck with obama and his marxism aren’t we? We are stuck with losing more and more of our freedoms. So, there you have it - while you sit in your ivory tower and throw stones.
“Romney retreats into California seclusion”
Good riddance to NE left-wing RINO rubbish.
Here is Mitt Romney telling Tim Russert that his father marched with MLK, and also, that on the day in 1978, when Mitt’s God changed his mind about black people, that Mitt was just a student, driving home from Law school, and that he pulled over and wept.!
Mitt had graduated law school during the Ford administration, in 1975.
In 1977 Mitt had been in business for a couple of years, and was an executive at Bain, and was an LDS Priest and a counselor to the president of the Boston Stake of the LDS, and would become a Bishop in 1981.
Yet although Bishop Mitt would have been prepared for the race issue, and would have been called on it many times over his life and political career, and knew exactly at what stage of his life he was in in 1978, and that his father and he had already been outed for the MLK lies in the past, watch how casually the lies flow out of Mitt in that short video.
Finny, to tell you the truth, I didn’t bother to read your entire post... I am getting bored with you too. LOL
Graybeard came in to help you guys out by bringing up one or two of my old posts.
Well here, let me join in the fun. Below you will find a portion of one of my previous posts.
Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again. ~ Ronald Reagan, from his first inaugural speech as governor of California, January 5, 1967
Ronald Reagans warning about losing our freedoms echoes down through a generation of lost momentum and squandered opportunity.
We now have the most ignorant electorate in the history of American elections. I believe we have the most corrupt government and media our country has ever seen.
I believe that Newt was the one leader that could have turned our country away from the abyss, intelligently and quickly.
It is abundantly clear that not enough folks shared my beliefs, instead of a leader, they wanted a preacher.... and far too many lacked the courage to forgive and look beyond the personal sins in a mans past and into the promise of a brighter future for our country. That is certainly a free choice and a personal choice.... and as it is with all choices, there will be consequences.
To be clear, I WILL NOT vote for Romney. I have held that position from the start of this faux race and nothing has changed. To me, broccoli is broccoli, regardless of whats put on it.... I hate broccoli.
In any case, Americans will get the country it apparently wants and a country it so richly deserves.
I was hardline until Romney picked Ryan.... then the first debate helped me.
Additionally, it doesn’t take any high end math skills to see that the only damn choice we had, in hopes of saving this country, was between Romney and Obama.
Perhaps you and some of your pals didn’t notice, even the owner of this forum ultimately voted for Romney.... just as I did - “for love of country”. Did Jim also fail your conservative test?
Now, you and the rest of you mental giants, that I have played with today, can take your attacks and stuff them where the sun doesn’t shine.
You can try to brand me any damn way you wish, I KNOW who in the hell I am. I have served this country, I am a conservative, a patriot, a God - Country and Family loving guy.
UNLIKE YOU.... I voted for “love of country”, I voted to give our country one more chance, I voted against a guy that hates this country and it trying to kill it..... and I’d do it all over again tomorrow.
It isn’t moot at all, it has just begun, the election is over, now we are fighting the stench of Mitt Romney, we are fighting the damage that he has done to conservatism and the GOP, and it’s national identity.
Look at this thread, you defending Mitt on abortion, another singing the praises of Romneycare, other people on other threads promoting Romney’s viability in republican politics, as the voice of the man who just ran for president.
Look at how many are on this thread fighting tooth and nail for their man, the radical liberal from Massachusetts. They want to empower him, give him a voice in shaping 2014, and 2016.
The election is over, you dont have to keep promoting the liberal, pro-abortion, gays in the military, homosexual scout leaders, anti-gun, Obamacare, Mitt Romney any more.
The challenge for conservatives now, is to end his disastrous influence on the GOP, and his war against conservatism and the tea party.
I think of those many people who believed it would be a "sin" for them to vote for Romney but hoped he would win nonetheless.
Oh well... At least their souls are clean.
I can clearly see that your views of conservative principles are much different than mine.
UNLIKE YOU, I have always felt that the survival of this country was one of them. Having the likes of Obama, a man that truly hates my country seems like a bad thing to me.
Taking that bastard out of office before he completely destroyed our country just seemed like a good idea to me.
BUT, now that he has been GIVEN another 4 years, with your help, that ‘save the country’ stuff probably doesn’t matter anymore.
Oh wait.... maybe we will get lucky and we can get H. Clinton next time. Heck, her of Michelle should be better than anything we could come up with.
I can clearly see that your views of conservative principles are much different than mine.
UNLIKE YOU, I have always felt that the survival of this country was one of them. Having the likes of Obama, a man that truly hates my country seems like a bad thing to me.
Taking that bastard out of office before he completely destroyed our country just seemed like a good idea to me.
BUT, now that he has been GIVEN another 4 years, with your help, that ‘save the country’ stuff probably doesn’t matter anymore.
Oh wait.... maybe we will get lucky and we can get H. Clinton next time, if there is a next time. Heck, her or Michelle should be better than anything we could come up with. Maybe I’ll join your team then. LOL @ you.
Yeah, Hitler ran on the same thing (economic disparity)... coupled with nationalistic pride, of course.
Sorry, but one man doesn't make or break this nation. Romney wouldn't have "made it" as your messianic political savior; and it'll take God to drive it into the ground...not a leader-wannabe like Obama.
You probably ripped off your old "In God We Trust" bumper sticker on your car, and put the "In Romney We Trust" during most of 2012.
How's that trust workin' out for ya? (Or are you riding those off-shore waves as promised?)
Guys, guys.......
Please stop tearing into each other. Everyone is on edge. No one comes here to rip into fellow FReepers.
Well, trolls, but that’s fun.
Look at this thread, you defending Mitt on abortion, another singing the praises of Romneycare, other people on other threads promoting Romneys viability in republican politics, as the voice of the man who just ran for president. Look at how many are on this thread fighting tooth and nail for their man, the radical liberal from Massachusetts. They want to empower him, give him a voice in shaping 2014, and 2016. The election is over, you dont have to keep promoting the liberal, pro-abortion, gays in the military, homosexual scout leaders, anti-gun, Obamacare, Mitt Romney any more. The challenge for conservatives now, is to end his disastrous influence on the GOP, and his war against conservatism and the tea party.
Bingo! Ansel! You hit a "grand slam" with this post.
#1: Look at how many on this thread are STILL defending a pro-abortionist -- and by extension, their pro-abortion vote.
#2: Look at how many, as you put it, are "still fighting tooth and nail" for Romney.
I don't know individuals' motivations for I'll simply ask the obvious Question: How many of you Romneybots are still fighting tooth and nail for a RINO because you feel you need to justify your endorsements of abortion and RINOism?
#3: How many times did we hear from April to early November the euphemism of ABO? (Anybody but Obama)
I pointed out then that if FREEPERs were truly ABO, then they wouldn't have minded support of Third Party Candidates -- ESPECIALLY in the bulk of the states...the non-swing states.
Fact usually was that they did mind...even in the obvious blue and red states where a third-party vote didn't matter...showing that they were really RomneyBots in disguise...using the ABO thing as a euphemistic defense of being RomneyBotomy-ized. It wasn't A -- for ANYBODY...'twas R for The Romney body -- and HIM ONLY!!!
The die-hard RomneyBots die hard.
I mean, here it doesn't even matter in a relativistic, pragmatic political sense anymore. Romney's not running vs. Obama anymore. And yet they still don't want to be exorcised of the spirit of RINOism that has possessed some of them!
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