on... Mercury?? Wow
Let me know if they find Cilia-of-Gold.............
“Too bad there’s no space programany more!”
Yep, we’re watching the wind down of stuff that was in the pipeline. Too many folks here need Obamaphones!
I sure hope the Chinese accelerate their space program to fill the void that NASA is leaving.
So, we subsidize a bunch of techno elites whose membership includes NASA’s Hansen, the rabid Global Warming Criminal, while Obama sucks the real working people of this country dry?
The question should be these days “If we ever in a snowball’s-chance-in-hell get out from under this tyrant and we can retire the debt he’s amassed, is it worth it to subsidize ideologues in ventures that won’t produce anything?”
I can think of humans going (being sent) to Mars, maybe even Mercury, but it won’t be friggin’ astronauts from NASA.
” - - - Only with the continued exploration of Mercury can we hope to make progress on these new questions.”
Duh, is “Progress” in the language of Obamanation Communism now the opposite of “Forward?”