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Pretty much sums it up about the snot-nosed, pimply faced libs.
1 posted on 11/20/2012 3:37:48 PM PST by Kevin in California
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To: Kevin in California
Its about the loot. The left and its supporters are picking the carcass of our ounce great nation.

Its no more complicated that that.

Only thing remaining to be seen now is how they'll react when the bones are clean.

2 posted on 11/20/2012 3:47:20 PM PST by skeeter
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To: Kevin in California
The left’s hunger for a perfect world can never be sated. That is why the shining beacon of liberty that has been the United States is derided as culturally imperialist or hegemonic – because freedom frustrates utopian totalitarians. There always has to be more demands. There’s never enough to quell their envy and dissatisfaction with life.

The Left is like a bunch of spoiled children always demanding more. Their would be utopia is going to turn into a calamitous national economic nightmare.

3 posted on 11/20/2012 3:50:54 PM PST by Starboard
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To: Kevin in California

4 posted on 11/20/2012 3:50:54 PM PST by Windflier (To anger a conservative, tell him a lie. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.)
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To: Kevin in California
The left’s hunger for a perfect world can never be sated. That is why the shining beacon of liberty that has been the United States is derided as culturally imperialist or hegemonic – because freedom frustrates utopian totalitarians. There always has to be more demands. There’s never enough to quell their envy and dissatisfaction with life.

The Left is like a bunch of spoiled children always demanding more. Their would be utopia is going to turn into a calamitous national economic nightmare.

5 posted on 11/20/2012 3:53:11 PM PST by Starboard
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To: Kevin in California

They want to destroy it, then they can build it back up in their image.

6 posted on 11/20/2012 3:54:37 PM PST by dfwgator
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To: Kevin in California

yes and when the ship starts sinking there will be a lot of people headed for the lifeboats, but they won’t be there.

9 posted on 11/20/2012 3:55:44 PM PST by budwiesest (It's that girl from Alaska, again.)
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To: Kevin in California

Good. Destroy it all. Let them reap what they sow.

We have guns, they don’t.

10 posted on 11/20/2012 3:56:02 PM PST by Fledermaus (The Republic is Dead: Collapse the system. Let the Dems destroy the economy!)
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To: Kevin in California

I a sick of providing for the leeches, time to both “go galt” and also become a “super leech” by taking as much as you can from the government as quick as you can and start squirreling it away so that you hasten the collapse as well have provisions left after the collapse to reuild, if we wait too long we play into their hands because that will give them time to dismantle the 2nd ammendment before the inevitable collapse.

11 posted on 11/20/2012 3:56:24 PM PST by GraceG
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To: Kevin in California

Never let the left get into your mainstream. It’s always a disaster.

15 posted on 11/20/2012 4:03:27 PM PST by Williams (No Obama)
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To: Kevin in California

You know they don’t care. Just look at the ghettos. Decades after “The Great Society” and the neighborhoods and schools are total crap. No one wants to live there, especially white liberals who head for the conservative neighborhoods lickety-split.

17 posted on 11/20/2012 4:04:50 PM PST by A_Former_Democrat (Elections do have consequences, young people of America)
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To: Kevin in California

It dawned on me today, while reading some of the remarks about a story regarding San Bernadino’s bankruptcy, that liberals honestly believe the crap that they spew. They aren’t trying to hide anything, they are honestly that f*&^king stupid. The story I was reading related to the amount that San Bernadino owed CALPERS in back payments for their pension coverage. They quit paying it when they declared bankruptcy (none of the other municipalities that declared bankruptcy did - they all kept paying CALPERS for their pensions). They owe CALPERS somewhere between $139m and $318m. The union leeches are planning on stealing from other union leeches, as they fully expect CALPERS to continue to pay their retiree pensions. Bond investors are suing to get in front of CALPERS in the creditor line, and the citizens are mad at the investors for “trying to steal from CALPERS” by attempting to gain redemption value on their bond investments before the pension plan gets its contributions. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.

How in heaven’s name, in that mess, can the only demon you find be the investors who loaned them the money to carry on with their profligate spending over the past 20 years? I nearly threw up in my mouth!

Regardless, these liberals honesty think that there is a rainbow somewhere on the horizon and that more socialism can fix all of the woes. I don’t get it, how can people be so oblivious to simple arithmetic and common sense.

19 posted on 11/20/2012 4:08:40 PM PST by RobertClark (Inside every "older" person is a younger person wondering what the hell happened?)
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To: Kevin in California

You forgot to quote the article :-)

So here it is:

Such as it is that most leftists do not realize that the freedoms they have so vocally and stridently advocated for so long — the social freedom to say and do whatever you want, and the economic freedom to avoid meaningful employment — are about to be obliterated. The useful idiots will be astounded to find themselves in a full-fledged police state and bound in a state of serfdom to the demands of the central government.

“Comply or starve. Submit or face elimination,” will be the government’s refrain. The masochistic, subhuman degenerates will be all too glad to grovel to their Democrat Party masters.

When all is said and done, what will the leftists have rebelled against? A nation where forty hours (1/4 of the week) of the worst employment provides a standard of living higher than that of 95% of the world’s population? Where twenty minutes spent mindlessly slinging burgers and fries at McDonald’s can buy you enough calories to last the day? Where one of the ubiquitous public policy crises is not starvation, but obesity?

This is a country where we are being economically oppressed?

Where 80 percent of “poor” households have air conditioning?
Where 92 percent of “poor” households have a microwave?
Where nearly three-fourths of “poor” households have a car or truck?
Where 31 percent of the “poor” have two or more cars or trucks?
Where nearly two-thirds of the “poor” have cable or satellite TV?
Where near two-thirds of the “poor” have at least one DVD player, and 70 percent have a VCR?
Where half of the “poor” have a personal computer, and one in seven have two or more computers?
Where more than half of “poor” families with children have a video game system, such as an Xbox or PlayStation?
Where more than 43 percent of the “poor” have Internet access?
Where one-third of the “poor” have a wide-screen plasma or LCD TV?

This is an economic system that needs to be “fundamentally transformed”? This is a country we are supposed to be so damned mad about?

And why? Because there is inequality? Of course, there is inequality, you fools! If I sit here and blog instead of sacking coal in a mine, then do I deserve to be paid as much as a coal miner? No! If I lay on my couch eating bon-bons and watching Judge Judy should I make as much money as the grease monkey who just expertly fixed a broken-down Volvo? Again, no!

So why in tarnation is everyone up in arms about Mitt Romney’s “gifts” comment? Why do people lose their collectivist minds when Romney talks about the 47% of takers, whom he accurately predicted would never vote for him? His comments hit a little too close to home, that’s why, they touched a nerve of truth, and they outraged those who feel entitled to the fruits of other people’s labor. Good!

But Mitt Romney was wrong when he said that too many Americans were taking “gifts” from President Obama and that’s why he lost the election. When someone gives a gift, generally, he has to make it or pay for it. The president did neither; he just looted the private sector and redistributed Obama money to his voter-clients, who excused his theft with a shoulder shrug and the amoral rejoinder “well, that’s democracy.”

So what about America’s imperialist foreign policy, you say?

Like when the U.S. entered World War I to defeat the initiators of the war in Europe?
Or when GIs were plunged into WWII by Japan, whom we roundly defeated and rebuilt even stronger than before?
Or when we helped defeat the Nazis and saved much of Europe from Nazi and Soviet domination?
Or how about fighting for South Korea, which is a virtual paradise compared to its communist neighbor to the North?
Or maybe Vietnam, which saw tens of thousands of people killed or made refugees when the North Vietnamese finally conquered the South?
How about the Cold War, which saw the vilified Ronald Reagan proven correct about the moral and economic rot of the USSR once and for all?
Or what about Saddam Hussein, a genocidal madman who personally oversaw rape and torture rooms, and who used wmds on his own people?
And what of the Taliban, whose sick medieval atrocities defy polite description?

American foreign policy may be misguided at times, but it is far from imperialistic. The U.S. doesn’t enslave nations it fights for or against, it liberates peoples and does its best to protect and improve their lives. That doesn’t make the U.S., or any nation, perfect.

Of course, opposing the evils of communism and fascism, as well as the economic misery of socialism, makes Americans belligerent warmongers out to conquer the world, correct? Good little Leninists take note that the warmongers in each case cited above were not liberal democratic nations. And for further counterfactuals to the left’s insipid imperialism narrative, just ask the Canadians and Mexicans how unashamedly expansionist we are.

The left’s hunger for a perfect world can never be sated. That is why the shining beacon of liberty that has been the United States is derided as culturally imperialist or hegemonic – because freedom frustrates utopian totalitarians. There always has to be more demands. There’s never enough to quell their envy and dissatisfaction with life.

But there won’t be anarchy and chaos if capitalism is crushed, says the unblinking leftist; you see, for some magical reason a spontaneous new order will arise and we will all be “new” human beings and we will all love each other equally and there will be peace forever and ever. Amen.

There will be peace – the peace that comes from the desolation of all that gets in the way of the left’s diabolical machine. The peace that comes from the absence of resistance to socialism. The peace that comes from assimilation to the Borg. And following that peace will come stagnation, societal and economic decay, alienation, apathy, and a ruling class entrenched above the whole tragic, despicable mess of it all.

But this is the left’s paradise, removed from the sappy, sanguine figments of their overactive imaginations. This is the brave new world of Barack Obama and his ilk. This is the eerie “transformation” of America that the Democrats were talking about.

The signs of collapsing societies throughout history were everywhere for everyone to see. Yet paradoxically, people were always baffled when their misery and destruction came upon them like a thief in the night.

The lazy, the ignorant, and the ideologically corrupt, naively believing empty slogans like “Land, Bread, and Peace,” wake up one day to find themselves deprived of all property, starving, or in a constant state of war — with other nations, against their own government, amongst each other, or even versus nature itself.

Soak up the misery, lefties. But never say we didn’t warn you.

20 posted on 11/20/2012 4:20:54 PM PST by No One Special
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To: Kevin in California

1)Only in America, could politicians talk about the greed of the rich at a $35,000.00 a plate campaign fund-raising event.

2) Only in America, could people claim that the government still discriminates against black Americans when they have a black President, a black Attorney General, and roughly 18% of the federal workforce is black while only 12% of the population is black.

3) Only in America, could they have had the two people most responsible for our tax code, Timothy Geithner, the head of the Treasury Department and Charles Rangel who once ran the Ways and Means Committee, BOTH turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes.

4) Only in America, can they have terrorists kill people in the name of Allah and have the media primarily react by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the backlash.

5) Only in America, would they make people who want to legally become American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege while we discuss letting anyone who sneaks into the country illegally just ‘magically’ become American citizens.

6) Only in America, could the people who believe in balancing the budget and sticking by the country’s Constitution be thought of as”extremists.”

7) Only in America, could you need to present a driver’s license to cash a check or buy alcohol, but not to vote.

8) Only in America, could people demand the government investigate whether oil companies are gouging the public because the price of gas went up when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. oil company (Marathon Oil) is less than half of a company making tennis shoes (Nike).

9) Only in America, could the government collect more tax dollars from the people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a Trillion dollars more than it has per year – for total spending of $7-Million PER MINUTE, and complain that it doesn’t have nearly enough money.

10) Only in America, could the rich people – who pay 86% of all income taxes – be accused of not paying their “fair share” by people who don’t pay any income taxes at all.


22 posted on 11/20/2012 4:37:59 PM PST by Alex Baker
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To: Kevin in California

Liberals are the perfect example of how you can kill two biblical commandments with one stone.....thou shall not covet and thou shall not steal.

23 posted on 11/20/2012 4:46:44 PM PST by boldtruth11
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To: Kevin in California

It isn't even going to stop then.

"And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead." -Kyle Reese

25 posted on 11/20/2012 4:57:41 PM PST by chris37 (Heartless.)
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To: Kevin in California
The Cloward-Piven goal is to overwhelm the system.

I take it you didn't get that memo?

27 posted on 11/20/2012 5:14:08 PM PST by E. Pluribus Unum (Government is the religion of the psychopath.)
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To: Kevin in California

we are in a containment mode. execute the escape from new york plan. barricade in all the damn takers and let them thunderdome each other to death. only difference is if any try to leave they’re dead.

30 posted on 11/20/2012 6:31:49 PM PST by Secret Agent Man (I can neither confirm or deny that; even if I could, I couldn't - it's classified.)
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To: Kevin in California

If things don’t change, I see this country going the way as it did in the movie Idiocracy.

38 posted on 11/20/2012 8:11:44 PM PST by murron (Proud Mom of a Marine Vet)
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To: Kevin in California

Obamanation Communism File.

40 posted on 11/20/2012 8:25:28 PM PST by Graewoulf ((Traitor John Roberts' Obama"care" violates Sherman Anti-Trust Law, AND the U.S. Constitution.))
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To: Kevin in California

Better known as ritual suicide of a Nation.

42 posted on 11/20/2012 11:16:24 PM PST by DarkWaters ("Deception is a state of mind --- and the mind of the state" --- James Jesus Angleton)
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