It’s indeed unfortunate, but you nailed it.
Baring some explanation that the truck was somehow snagged on the tracks, which is very doubtful, this truck should not have stopped on the tracks.
If it couldn’t fit on the other side, it should have stopped before crossing the tracks.
If other people are trusting you with their lives, it is vitally important you be thinking every moment on the job you have been tasked with.
This is just tragic. And it’s even more-so because it should never have happened.
In many parts of Texas, you can see a train coming from a great distance. I’m not sure about this exact crossing, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you could.
Someone said they couldn’t hear the train because of the police sirens.
Oh boy. If that is accurate, I guess lawsuits would follow?
” - - - Im not sure about this exact crossing - - - “
Local news just said the the lights and gate were working at this Garfield intersection.