So? Obama's a lawyer. Maybe we should have hung that around his neck at every opportunity.
At least God, unlike the Republicans, will never forget us or be ashamed of us.
Particularly like this.
Values don’t get you anywhere when the economy is in the crapper. Unfortunately, it seems like Americans like the economy the way it is.
I voted for Virgil Goode.
Those who voted for either Romney or Obama were willing to vote in a government who would kill innocent, unborn government controled clinics.
That is who Romney has been ever since I first became aware of him. That is who Obama is.
Anyone who would vote for someone who will do that to the most defenseless among us - the unborn - and then criticizes those who stand against it thouroughly deserves whatever they get.
And they will be reminded of this for the rest of their lives.
When they stand before God, It will be better for them had a millstone been hung around their necks and they were cast into the depths of the sea rather than they had voted in 2012.
I can gulp down iced coffee, I can sip scalding hot coffee, but lukewarm coffee tastes like crap.
Romney should have been something either way, instead he was standing in the middle of the road.
The only thing that bothered me about Romney was that I think he either believes that the human race is responsible for so-called climate change or that he panders to the “demographic” that does.
What I’m thinking should not be written down for public viewing
“It is in the personal virtues of conservative thinking — modesty, self-sacrifice, chastity, fear of God, decency — that I find a reason to be on the right side of the dial. Cut ties to the social agenda, and you will cut ties with me.”
I buy this completely, however, I also buy knowing how to budget, run a business successfully and stay in the black.
Purgatory is not Hell. If only we were being led to Purgatory we would be on our way because after our purification we would reach our goal. Instead we are being marched into the bowels of Hell by the marxist.
I believe saying anyone was thinking assumes facts not in evidence...
Is Jim Jones running American Thinker?
I don’t agree with Lopez’s opening statement which would not apply even to Obama. In his mind he’s changing the US and so he is. For the worst.
The apparatzick MSM morphed the contitutional birth control question forced on almost all religious groups by the demo-coms(because they’re anti-God and this should have been pointed out but wasn’t) into a personal one. MSM never reported on what the Catholic bishops were doing or the legal suits being brought against this regime. That went unchallanged
What the Romney did not do was go after the bread and butter issues that affected every demographic pocket book such as the reasons why those on fixed incomes must go on food stamps and apply for other benefits such as energy assistance etc.
That is the price of ; goods, services ,food, as well as the cost, use, and type of of energy resources, particularly coal, oil, and natural gas have all been driven up by Obama through his endless edicts, use of regulations and prohibitions all designed to change the systems of distribution and use of pleantiful resources to conform to his socialist scheme or ideal. Without any regard to the consequences.
I flooded FR replys with that issue in the hopes that there would be someone in position would pick up on it and bring it up during the campaign. Now after the loss it’s started to be discussed.
Instead we got a simplistic 20 million new jobs
Then there are the new taxes for 2013 and the reasons to dump not only Obama but elect Senators opposed to Obamacare with the warning that it will become a fact if it is not defeated Nov 6th.
This guy’s creds are destroyed by his statement that if the campaigns had been run differently he might have voted for Obama. Anyone who even considered such an action after the last four years and more is either stupid or never went to school.
Yep. It is true. Mitt showed a glimmer of a hope at the first debate- that he really GOT what this fight was about. But then he lost it. It wasn’t Sandy that blew it for him, it was being mediocre. Still, I don’t think people really understand what is coming at them, as a result of letting Obama win.
Time will tell if we all make it out of this mess intact.
If you stayed home for this election when you had the chance to remove true evil, and prayed to God for strength as this article alleges, I spew you out of my mouth.
For every election of my lifetime, there has never been a perfect candidate. Never.
But when the choice is between a man who at least has led a moral life, and a man who lies, cheats and hates America,the choice is an easy one to make.
If you sat out this election, of all elections, go away. You will never be satisfied.
In the meantime, we have to live with the folly your foolishness has now guaranteed.
If one believes our early settlers were led out of Europe, out from under an evil king, and a new country was founded through devine providence...and for those moral and Godly choices America was greatly rewarded, one must consider the same question asked in Joshua 24 by the Jews and answered holds the same Godly consequences.
Christians everywhere were encouraged to pray on their vote this election. But, there was an impediment to their spiritual justice within their churches. I believe many Christians, social justice Christians, voted for 0bama because their spiritual vision is clouded. 0bama came with the gifts to the poor, gifts to the struggling and a government grown on the idea of charity through redistribution.
looking at today’s headlines, I think Romney’s message was missing ONLY the fearful path to war in the Middle East.
...despite what the ABO crowd around here claimed repeatedly.
Where are they at now?