Obama’s point man on Puerto Rico is Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D-Chicago), who’s closely aligend with the islands’s left. As such, he’s opposed to Puerto Rico statehood and Obama will do what he wants him to do which is nothing.
I don’t think Obama wants PR as a state. For one thing, the myth that Latinos/Hispanics or whatever you want to call people from Spanish-speaking culture are the natural partners of blacks is just that, a myth, and American blacks in reality have very little liking for Hispanics. So while the Dems might corral Hispanics and use them, as they do to any immigrant group, I don’t think Obama is really in any hurry to have a larger Hispanic population in the US or give more weight to one that is already part of the US.
A lot of Puerto Ricans are very entrepreneurial and Governor Fortuno, who unfortunately was defeated, was supporting this. Also, the US already has a very bad history of crushing and “statifying” the Puerto Rican economy during our military occupation of PR in the decades following the Spanish American War, so Obama has his pattern.