“God used pagans to break Isreal and get them to repent. Why cant God use Obama the same way?” br>
Because our time is running out - we will not make it to 2016 - meanwhile babies will continue to be slaughtered. br>
“Your comment that this was the last chance to turn this nation around shows a lack of faith in God on your part.”br>
There also is a time to be a realist - God will not continue to allow us to mock Him - we will be judged - and that time is near. His judgements on Israel were severe - and that is waht we are bringing on ourselves.br>
Meanwhile we allow Satan to slaughter our innocent children as we ogle our 401Ks and our fine cars and toys.
Imagine you are God. You have trained your people to embrace no other gods...
Don't elevate them...Don't sanction them...Don't endorse them...
Then a guy comes along, one of the 15-20% of all people of a given sect who has a "temple recommend" -- allowing them to believe they are a "god in embryo."
You know. A competitor to god. Somebody who would steal the Lord's glory. Rob His praise. Be a thief of His worship and prayers, by siphoning them off.
Despite this being an obvious rival to THE God...MILLIONS of God's people embrace this rival god...they endorse him...they seem to want to deliberately ignore his god-in-embryo claim...
And what? Do you somehow think that God was not mocked by His very people who treat idolatry lightly???
Do you think God would any less likely to remove judgment from America when now His own people continue to go off hurtling into political space embracing the pragmatic utilitarian political ethic of idolatry-laced relativism?
Because our time is running out - we will not make it to 2016 - meanwhile babies will continue to be slaughtered
There also is a time to be a realist - God will not continue to allow us to mock Him - we will be judged - and that time is near. His judgements on Israel were severe - and that is waht we are bringing on ourselves
- - - - - -
yes we will. And babies would continue to be slaughtered under Romney. Have you forgotten that he was really Pro-abortion?!
And voting for a man who holds the views of God that Romney does ALSO mocks God. We brought this on ourselves, I agree and this time there was no way out because we chose politics over God by nominating Romney in the first place.
Boo hoo!
YOU continue to let the slaughthiouse continue in business?
Yet you rail at a stay at home "voter"???