Romney lost because we failed to turn out the vote. Evamgelicals, it seems, would rather have a left wing president who supports abortion and gay marriage, than vote for a morman. Self proclaimed tru conservative,like many onFR, would rather have Obama than vote for that RINO Romney. We get the government we deserve. Toall those who voted their conscience and went third party in VA and FL, congratulate yourselves on Obama’s reelection. You held true to your principals! Good for you!
They love themselves more than America.
“Evamgelicals, it seems, would rather have a left wing president who supports abortion and gay marriage, than vote for a morman. Self proclaimed tru conservative,like many onFR, would rather have Obama than vote for that RINO Romney.”
Look at the map.
Against their consciences, many evangelicals voted for the “severe conservative” “Mitt” Romney. This fake carried the states which are overwhelmingly evangelical. He lost in the festered, rotted, leftist blue states, despite the fact that he is one of their own.
The only thing evangelicals should be ashamed of is looking to this fraudulent and weak candidate of a fraudulent and weak party and expecting any better of it.