Her argument is so stupid that only idiots would believe it. The idea of taxation is that all the people pay for services they all use and benefit from. Using her own argument, than the police and fire department should quickly look at a list of who pays taxes before responding to a call.
“One Adam 12: respond to a burglary in progress at 1010 Elm Street.”
“OK, Bob....let’s look that address up and see if they paid any taxes.”
“Nope, they don’t actually contribute a dime in taxes. As a matter of fact, they get way more in government assistance than most people.”
“Well, screw them then....let’s go see if we can loot any of their stuff, the filthy leaches.”
“Station 51: respond to fire at 1214 Main Street.”
“Just a minute guys, let’s look at what they paid in taxes. Oh, not much. OK, we’ll go, but we’re only spraying a hundred gallons of water.”
Lol, that’s not far off! But she has it all ass-backward - it was the private sector that agreed to pay taxes to provide for common services and infrastructure. Libs like to just dismiss this as a chicken/egg argument but it’s not. When it comes to the assets that gov’t claims as theirs: “We (the people who paid the taxes) built that”.