It didn't take long for me to think that Ryan had already won. He won by being a knowledgeable respondent to questioning by the moderator. Biden lost by being the ass that he always is - demonstrating very little impressive knowledge - while being continuously rude when Ryan was answering.
One question I have - how much speaking time was allowed to each of the participants. If truth be told, I believe Biden hogged most of the time.
I thought so too. I also was disgusted with that woman interrupting Ryan whenever you could see that Ryan was going to do one of his efficient, excellent comments-—she butted in. I almost turned off the debate, Biden’s and her puerile rudeness was so annoying.
I would have liked the forum with Ryan and Biden standing-—the psychological edge that Ryan has with his stature and good looks would have given him an even bigger win. But that is why the leftist had them sit with an obnoxious feminist asking men to get “personal” about an abortion answer. She made me puke with her phony feminist remark about the whole abortion issue.
The Leftist tried to make Ryan look bad-—but they didn’t succeed. He held his ground ok and they looked like bratty, rude kids.
Well, if I could simply say that Biden was boring as I could bother listening through, I would say he got most of the time. Whomever figured voting Biden up didn’t have a clue what listening to this guy would sound like.
Biden 44 minutes
Ryan 40 minutes
According to Bret Baier.