Posted on 10/11/2012 10:19:35 AM PDT by Perseverando
A pastor in Virginia is taking on the Democratic Party's long-time strangle-hold on the black voting bloc, telling fellow black Americans that it is high time for them to end their slavish devotion to the Democrat Party. In a nearly four-minute video (see at bottom) produced by the group Americans Taking a Stand, Bishop E.W. Jackson, pastor of Exodus Faith Ministries in Chesapeake, Virginia, nails the Democrats for their support of abortion and homosexual marriage, and for eschewing Christian values, in the process challenging black Christians to make a mass exodus from the party.
They have insulted us, used us, and manipulated us, Jackson admonishes black voters of the tactics used by Democratic operatives over the past several decades. They have saturated the black community with ridiculous lies and think that they can hold us captive while they violate everything we believe as Christians.
Jackson charges the Democratic Party with creating an unholy alliance between certain so-called civil rights leaders and Planned Parenthood, which has killed unborn black babies by the tens of millions. He adds that Planned Parenthood has been far more lethal to black lives that the KKK ever was, and the Democrat Party and their black civil rights allies are partners in this genocide.
As for same-sex marriage, the Bishop says that the Democrat Party has equated homosexuality with being black, which he terms another outrageous lie, noting that while homosexuals can keep their lifestyle private, you and I cannot hide being black.
He goes on to point out that Democrats say opposition to same-sex marriage is the same as opposition to interracial marriage. That is an insult to human intelligence. It is a lie. No Christian should support this. Yet the Democrat Party has declared same-sex marriage an official part of its platform. And black Christians
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E.W. Jackson makes me proud to be a fellow Virginian.
God bless E.W. Jackson!
As my”Sainted Mum”used to say:”Better Late Than Never”!!!!!!!!!
Bishop Jackson is awesome! We’re going to hear more from him, bet on it!!!
I’m white. I wept. My confidence is renewed, that some of their skin color has actually understands what the real struggle is. I think he is a great American. I like his picture in the background of Sojourner Truth, and Frederick Douglass, my heros.
It takes a Black Pastor to say this for it to have the kind of significance it deserves—having said that, the MSM avoids people like E.W. Jackson like the plague for fear of publicizing what large numbers of blacks think and feel.
The MSM would prefer that statements like this get associated with , say, Ann Coulter, so that they can gloat as they ask her the question “SO! Since when do YOU, a white girl, speak for Black People??”
Democrats are selling their souls for “free” stuff. You can’t be a true Christian AND a true Democrat.
Check out the video response by Nate Smoove. I don’t like rap, but he is sending out good messages through his music and could probably use some support.
Pastor challenges fellow blacks to end “Slavish Relationship” to democratic party.
The headline could read fellow Catholics and it would be the same narrative.
Bishop Jackson is one of the few heroes left around.
“We don’t need the Democrat Party — or any party. We need God. God will take care of us. It’s been a long time coming, but the time has come to take a stand. Come out from amoung them. Exodus now!”
I love this guy. I’d love to get his take on the emerging/emergent church apostates.
God bless E.W. Jackson!
Amen and Amen!
E.W. Jackson makes me proud to be a fellow Virginian.
Yes, you should be very proud.
Rush played a clip of Rev. Jackson last week. God bless him!
God Bless This Fine Man.
He truly believes what St. Paul said:
“In Christ, there is not male or female, Jew nor Greek, Slave Nor Free. We are All One in Christ Jesus.”
When race trumps faith, the Church is in deep trouble.
So they can have, “Obama phone”. Gimme. Gimme. Gimme....
” They have insulted us, used us, and manipulated us, Jackson admonishes black voters of the tactics used by Democratic operatives over the past several decades. They have saturated the black community with ridiculous lies and think that they can hold us captive while they violate everything we believe as Christians. “
Anyone ever say it better?
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