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Editorial: Dallas Morning News endorses Mitt Romney for president
The Dallas Morning News ^
| Saturday, September 29, 2012
Posted on 09/29/2012 9:12:21 PM PDT by kristinn
click here to read article
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To: wardaddy
The Dallas Mourning Snooze runs NY Times, Wash Post, AP articles and hardly ever runs conservative columns
There are no ‘righty’ rags
posted on
09/30/2012 12:51:28 AM PDT
To: kristinn
It’s a good beginning for Romney, but it would be more telling if the Columbus Dispatch from purple Ohio than the Dallas Morning News from red Texas.
posted on
09/30/2012 2:44:30 AM PDT
(Retired Army Chaplain and Proud of It! True supporters of our troops pray for their victory!)
To: kristinn
Our 16% edge in enthusiasm plus Catholic vote and Obamas done for.
posted on
09/30/2012 2:52:49 AM PDT
(Conservatism is truth. Liberalism is lies.)
To: Lancey Howard
The DMN was once the conservative paper in a two paper town. When the Times Herald folded, DMN tried to attract the former Herald readers and began the descent into PC. Cancelled a 25 year subscription the day they featured 43 with a note to Condi asking about time for a bathroom break(photoshopped)before a speech at U.N. as a 1/4 page pic on page 2.
When asked the reason for cancellation, I referenced the above mentioned editorial decision, and they found it humorous.
We pay for the DMN once a month. Dear spouse cuts coupons and I put the rest in the shed to be used for the charcoal chimney to light the Weber.
posted on
09/30/2012 4:54:45 AM PDT
To: kristinn
Romney had to survive a fractious primary by steering too far right on some issues
To: kristinn; My Favorite Headache; Jim Robinson
Reality at times has a great sense of humor:
Earthquake Felt In Dallas Moments Ago
Myself | 9/29/12
Posted on Saturday, September 29, 2012 9:14:37 PM by My Favorite Headache
Just felt an earthquake here in Dallas and an aftershock...reports coming in all over the scanners and local media...
posted on
09/30/2012 7:28:25 AM PDT
Grampa Dave
(We are the 53%, who pay taxes and keep this country going inspite of the 47% rat moochers!)
To: GeronL
damned of the best friends of my life ..Doug Milner originally from Mississippi like me but who lived in Poetry near Terrell worked for them as a photographer..won awards covering civil wars in Central America in the 80s
He died tragically about 15 years ago ..a wasp sting..left behind a baby girl and wife....had never been allergic before and died in minutes
When i was a boy..1960s...the Dallas Morning News was considered to ape the Hunt's Bircher notions till a falling out over coverage of some Hunt public wrangling in I think mid 70s
not surprised they have gone Left now too...those pesky progressives just creep in
posted on
09/30/2012 7:51:54 AM PDT
(this is a perfect window for Netanyahu to bomb Iran..I hereby give my go ahead..thanks Muzzie idiots)
To: kristinn
Liberal newspaper endorses the Republican nominee Mitt Romney.
When will conservatives begin to understand just how deep a cesspool the Republican Party has waded into with this nominee?
posted on
09/30/2012 12:02:30 PM PDT
(Mitt Romney is a handbasket driver. I refuse to ride.)
To: kristinn
Maybe in four years the conservative movement will do what it has failed to do since 1984: Raise up a movement conservative presidential nominee.
How can we when we're outspent 50-1? Unfortunately, too many conservatives are easily swayed by relentless commercials. The enemy within the GOP has the big money interest behind them and no compunction about lying and destroying conservatives. I'm not sure how we neuter them, but we must.
posted on
09/30/2012 7:15:08 PM PDT
(Sorry, gone rogue.)
To: One Name
Having dis-connected yourself (going rogue) you may have missed the resurgence...
What resurgence? The Democrats nominated a socialist. The Republicans nominated a socialist-lite. 2012 is a lost year for conservatives on the presidential level.
We should be thinking about 2014-16 now.
posted on
09/30/2012 7:18:24 PM PDT
(Sorry, gone rogue.)
To: xzins
than the Dallas Morning News from red Texas.Dallas county went "blue" in 2008.
posted on
09/30/2012 7:22:19 PM PDT
To: 1066AD
Expect a lot more of Texas to go blue in the coming years thanks to immigration.
posted on
09/30/2012 7:27:15 PM PDT
To: Antoninus
Can’t argue with you on the nominee- I’m a Palinista.
But what I allude to is the reaching effect of the Tea Parties, and other restorative groups.
The message was not lost, thought the top of the ticket is not reflective. We found a groundswell in 2008, kicked official ass in 2010 and will be heard loudly in the next Congress.
Didn’t play out how I hoped, but down-ticket a lot is going on.
posted on
10/01/2012 7:10:53 PM PDT
One Name
(Ultimately, the TRUTH is a razor's edge and no man can sit astride it.)
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