It’s from the AP what do you expect?
Don’t believe it. Both Gallup and Rassmussen’s latest tracking polls have it tied, 46-46 and 47-47. The media is going to keep pushing this narrative until a few days before the election. If the polls don’t show Obama ahead then, they will report the race is “unexpectedly tightening”.
Smoke and mirrors.
Written by the AP to support their fictional account. Most journalists should be screenwriters.
Gallup and Rasmussen both have it tied. Since "undecided" voters typically break for the incumbent, Obama's campaign should be in full-fledged panic mode right now. Let's hope that behind the teleprompter, Zero is frazzled and says or does something really, really stupid during the debates.
I checked intrade this AM - it says there Obama is a 70% probability. I tend to give gamblers more leeway than pundits. However, at this time I see intrade as an overlay and would buy Romney at 3.33 to 1. Romney can not be getting blasted as the article indicates if both Gallup and Rasmussen have a flat footed tie as of this am. It’s important to note that the article was from a noted lefty rag. In sum - they’re whistling past the graveyard as things stand today.
I don't know if the "Ayup, y'cahn't get they-a from he-ah" citizens are sold on obozo.
Then again, all of New England has been infiltrated by the Boston 'educated' commie/socialists.
Maybe all these bad news stories for Romney have something to them. People are not excited about him and and many people go with the devil they know then the devil they don't.
In my little part of the world (NH), there is no great like for Romney (and not much love for Zero), but they look at Romney as a fatcat zillionaire ... and now with his 14% tax rate middle class people are saying “I pay more than that” (even though their Effective tax rates are much less).
There seems to be WAAAAAAY to much “whistling past the graveyard” here and FR. Way to much over confidence. I believe we are all going to be slapped in the face with a terrible reality on Wed. Nov 7th.
I can’t believe that voters are this stupid, that they want 4 more years of Obama. If that is the case, this country is done. put a damn fork in us. I am so pissed I can’t see straight!!!
No, it’s just the media building a meme.
First, pretend that Romney’s “gaffes” will alienate voters.
Then manufacture Democrat-heavy polls to substantiate this.
Then run news stories about Romney’s campaign being rocked by the polling trend.
Smoke and mirrors.
They are selling Gas at 4.25 cents here in Ct.,Unemployment is 9 percent,taxes under Obama are going to explode in January,the middle east is exploding and Obama is lying through his teeth about that and everything else he has said for the past 4 years and he is Running away with this?
As with a person wanting to committ suicide so it is with countries which want to do the same. It wont be long before we find if there are any True patriots left or if we have gone insane
The anger on the right will drive turnout.
The not so pleased on the left especially with blacks and those against gay marriage will drive turnout the other way.
We can’t stop dead people from voting or illegals but that should be enough to stop Obama. Of course, he has Holder and the courts on his side. Will the military follow orders when he sends them out to stop us?
Don’t pay any attention to polls until the wek of 22 Oct. Until it gets closer to the election there will be never-ending attempts to demoralize the Right (aptly named).
I thought Gallup was no longer to be trusted.
NRO reported that Axelrod was badgering all pollsters to use the 2008 election turnout in order to lower GOP early voter turnout .
Is any surprise AP is not jumping to the rescue !
This is the power of evil David Axelrod , folks
It's Close; obama 47% Romney 45% IN PENNSYLVANIA.
There haven't been any Romney ads in PA and this poll has it a 2 point gap.
If this is close to accurate and I think it's really close, we are kicking his half black, half white, all red, mooselimb, left hand wiped, communist ass.