I checked intrade this AM - it says there Obama is a 70% probability. I tend to give gamblers more leeway than pundits. However, at this time I see intrade as an overlay and would buy Romney at 3.33 to 1. Romney can not be getting blasted as the article indicates if both Gallup and Rasmussen have a flat footed tie as of this am. It’s important to note that the article was from a noted lefty rag. In sum - they’re whistling past the graveyard as things stand today.
Intrade does not have any "magic/secret" insider info like some odds maker who talked to the trainer on a football team and knows the true injury info. It it the collective choice of thousands of people who read these junk polls and then bet.
I believe Romney will win this race.
However that said, this may be the last Republican race won, unless we reverse the globalization of the economy.
That 8% unemployment rate is a symptom of a USA increasingly without jobs. A USA without jobs, is a USA which votes democrat.
We have nearly passed the point of no return. We must bring back jobs. Now.
I have to remind everyone that Intrade had Obamacare 9:1 to be repealed.
In trade is the easiest thing to manipulate .
It’s cheap and Soros & pals could be playing it as part of the
Dismay the GOP vote strategy going on now that early voting began .
It’s a scam too .
Intrade had Obamacare to be overturned at 90%. It is utterly useless as a predictor.