The media is going all-out in shaping sheep’s opinions.
If Mitt truly believes this and wants to win, then he needs to say this publicly and’s the truth!
Google News has it as virtually every headline. It’s another “death blow” to the campaign. Just like Romney’s statements on Libya that don’t seem to have changed the race one iota.
Of course, it is what they do.
Rush making a good argument that this video was to be an October Surprise, but was released early to attempt to offset the horrible news for Obama this week.
The tape was made in May and was a “Twitter sensation” three weeks ago...they’ve been sitting on it and their hand was forced.
Google News has it as virtually every headline. It’s another “death blow” to the campaign. Just like Romney’s statements on Libya that don’t seem to have changed the race one iota.
Imagine referring to James Carter without saying who he is? David Corn is a weirdo in my opinion.
On the video, big friggin deal. I know the 47% is a wrong figure, but 53% would be a majority, wouldn’t it now?
I see ABC Pravda News is at it again. I want EVERYONE to see this video because people who view it will see that Romney was RIGHT..Obama voters are freeloaders. Anyone that watched the DNC Convention could see that..Waaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaa I want my free birth control, free abortion, free health care, free house, free food, free gas..meanwhile, those same freeloaders who want “Free” stuff will be the first in line this Friday to get the new iPhone can take that to the bank! So which is it America, do you want to live in freedom or tyranny..the choice is yours
“Disarray” — Big Media’s Word of the Week, applied to the wrong person because Big Media has eyes only for their god Hussein.
FU Big Media and your worthless POS god Hussein — FU!
The nightmare was four bodies coming home in caskets from Libya.
Btw didn’t they say it was evil when Monica taped Bill secretly with Linda Tripp’s help?
Oh I remember that was a demoncrat.
Mitt Romney, just come out every day and say darn right, this election is about opportunity vs government entitlement! ( I know he won’t say damn).
Try this - Google: "off message and in disarray".
Look how many variations there are - not all the same story, but the same narrative from multiple sources. In reality, there's really only one source: the Chicago White House.
I laughed because what he said is true. Channel 5 in Los Angeles followed up with the study results where he got his numbers - and they didn’t say they were wrong!
BTW did anybody notice the Wisconsin recall vote result was 53.1% to 46.3% ??
It's Michelle Bachmann at at Values Voter Summit 2012 telling us that obama & hillary signed away our freedom of speech rights to a muslim group! She explains why they went after our ambassador & why we really need to vote obama out of office.
The media will never tell us that obama & hillary signed away our freedom of speech rights to the muslims. The media will run cover for them.
Everyone needs to watch this video
I imagine they think they can recover their credibility after they get their commie buffoon re-elected. Which is even funnier.
Chris Matthews won a pair of Obama “Foward” emblazoned logo kneepads last week.
So many worthy candidates this week. I wonder who it should go to?
If he stands by his 47% statements and his statements, from the same funfundraiser, regarding the Palestinians not really being interested in peace, I will vote for him.
keep believing that, Dumocrats. Might as well stay home on election day.