Great article of course the MSM will NEVER raise this question.
Spike that football until it's flat.
Hussein’s chickens have come home to roost. He started the bragging now we can watch him try to blame others.
Good point. If one of the new chants as the Muslims pillage is, “We are all Bin Ladins,” then this movie will only further inflame them Sorry, but this paen of praise for Obama’s greatest hit must never see the light of day in order to prevent the carnage caused by insulting that renowned “religion of peace.”
We are all osama’s obama...
Great Point! I also said that they should pick up Martin Scorcessi(sp) for his Anti Christian film about Jesus...Last Temptation of Christ.
Also they should pick up Ron Howard and Tom Hanks for the anti Christian film they made
Not to mention that I am personally offended by Obama`s support of abortion, I think he should be up on charges, or atleast questioned in the deaths of many
How ya bettin'?
Paint meets corner and the most brilliant people in the universe step in it once again.
Release it but change the name to WHAT OBAMA BUILT.
Then send him overseas to promote it.
I don’t know if we should thank Carney or Urkel. Most probably both of them.
If the movie is released and the Muslims don’t get angry, then it was not films that incited them and the Regime is caught in their stupid lie. If the movie is released and incites rioting and killing, then the Whitehouse is largely to blame, has blood on its hands, and should have known better. If the movie isn’t released they miss the big PR moment they had hoped for. All that WE need to do is harp, harp, harp on the connection here of this movie, to that other one. There seems to be no good outcome for them.
And be sure to share it with a sensitive Muslim.
I’m calling it right now. When the film is released, not one DAMNED riot or protest will occur as a result. There will be a cricket chirping concert in the square at Cairo.
This article makes a good point. Let’s see if Sony spares O the discomfort and puts the release date on hold,,until after the election and then President Romney will have to deal with it.
So, it seems to me that showing this film will be a serious violation of national security, because it is likely to get a bunch more U.S. citizens killed.
“The Innocence of Muslims” results in chaos, murder, and the burning of foreign outposts all throughout the Middle East...
Can anyone tell me the Genesis of this? Who was the first to tie Arab street riots to this video?
Ha! I forgot all about this movie. When is it due for release? Obama thought this would put him over the top. Boy, did he ever step in it when he said “they’re not mad at America, they’re mad over a MOVIE”.
Now here’s the kicker.....Hollywood could have cashed in on the pro-America/anti-Islamic Fundamentalist sentiment in the aftrmath of 9/11 by putting out a bunch of action films portraying US forces as the good guys, and Islamic Radicals as the bad guys. But they refused. Instead, they gave us a bunch of anti-American movies like Syriana and Redacted.
So this Bin Laden movie will be the first big Hollywood production that treats killing an Islamic Fundamentalist as something that audiences should cheer at. But the more they cheer, the madder the Muslims will get.
And how convenient that this Sam Bacile character lives in the Greater Los Angeles area. I’m sure it’s all over the local news there about what a threat this guy is to American security. I wonder how many ditzy Hollywood actresses, who were all set to attend the L.A. premiere of the Bin Laden movie, are now saying “omigod, I’m not going now, I don’t want to be killed”?
Please, please, Jake Tapper, the one honest MSM journalist in America, please ask Jay Carney if he thinks releasing this movie is a good idea at this time. PULEEEEAAAAZZZZE!
Armageddon ahead when that one comes out. Let’s see if we can predict the WH response.
No half-way measures - when a radical Islamist takes over in Libya or Egypt or Syria, and complains that as a devout Muslim he is offended by being forced to deal with female Secretary of State, I fully expect Hilary to submit her resignation.
We mustn’t do anything to offend the delicate sensibilities of those followers of Muhammed now, right?