First thing this morning I saw a clip on the news showing hundreds of illegals lined up around the block outside a consulate somewhere for their amnesty.
Aside from that, the media is pretty quiet on the issue.
Paging John Boehner, paging John Boehner!
I would not doubt that pre-printed ballots for Nov. elections are included in their amnesty documents
Is this a DAMNED EXECUTIVE ORDER??????? Did I miss this legislation?
What happened to the "class valedictorian" image that was used to sell the program?
Everything he does is a "bait and switch" scam. worked for the me maybe....
“More than 1.7 million illegal immigrants could become eligible for tentative legal status Wednesday”
But.. but.. I thought that a GOP congress could keep Obama in ‘check’. /s
So much for the rule of law.
This is a foreign invasion of the United States, aided by traitors in the Obama administration. I can’t think of any more accurate way to describe it.
Just a coincidence, of course.
What is really bad is that there appears to be NO downside for Obama in doing this, Romney doesn't want to ‘offend’ Hispanics now that he won the primary.
As time goes on if any of these people commit crimes it could backfire on Obama, that is why he did it now instead of a year ago :to maximize the positive and minimize the negative. By the time that happens the election will probably be over.
It would see to me that since this was done by executive orders that Romney’s hand will not be tied after January and will have a nice data base to work with. Ooops—Romney loves ILLEGALS, too.
Spose the kenyan will simply decree citizenship for all illegals who have signed up for his amnesty in time for the election? I won’t be even a tad surprised when it happens and I bet the Republicans will scream “UNFAIR” and won’t do anything useful about it. Of course the addition to the voting rolls won’t be as serious to the vote as it might appear because many of these illegals have been voting already,
Imagine, another 4 years of Obama.
Imagine, Pelosi as Speaker of the House, again.
Imagine, our country as we know it completely destroyed, from within.
Imagine, you have lost everything, and there is no longer a way to get any of it back.
Imagine, democrat rule for the rest of your life.
Remember, we now have the most ignorant electorate in the history of American elections. I believe we have the most corrupt government and media our country has ever seen.
Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again. ~ Ronald Reagan, from his first inaugural speech as governor of California, January 5, 1967
Ronald Reagans warning about losing our freedoms echoes down through a generation of lost momentum and squandered opportunity.
Never mind tens of millions of Americans are out of work, or underemployed etc. Never mind there are issues with resources, water, housing, energy, jobs etc, regardless of how much harm this causes Americans.
The more immigrants the leftist can get in, the more power they gain, as the immigrants understand where the handouts, coupons and freebies come from.
And it's why the Republican party are also using immigration as a tool for their own personal benefit.(See Bush's multiple attempts at amnesty).
They just don't give a damn the insidious harm it's causing America.
Of course the Dems want the illegals here (then again, ask blacks what they think about it and you will hear a different tune). However, blame should be given to the GOP as well. Big business loves cheap labor and the GOP was a willing partner as long as big business continued to donate (better word should be “bribe”) to the GOP.
I really thought after 9-11 that, at the very least, our borders would be sealed up, but no. What would it take?
Sure, we have states like Arizona and Alabama taking a tougher stand on illegals, and we also have states trying to enact voter ID laws. Where was all this 20 to 30 years ago?
What exactly is Romney’s plan to deport illegals? I don’t think he wants to. I doubt that many in the GOP want to deport. They are desperately trying to win the Hispanic vote. Even Reagan granted amnesty.
And how has that worked so far?
Its hard to believe the open border, 'these-are-natural-republicans' types on our side were so easily duped.
Including the few remaining open border brainstems who still haunt FR with their ill-considered opinions on the matter. Brilliant, guys.