Hey, they’re just trying to depopulate the rural areas. Agenda 21 and all that, dontcha know.
GOVERNMENT: “I see you have some money there. Give it to me.”
CA has a bigger fire problem. Because of their budget problems they’re kicking criminals out of prisons and jails. Most of CA’s front line fire response is done by prisoners and the fear is there won’t be enough of them to fight fires. So now, instead of putting out fires, they will be robiing the citizens.
The dopey libs will still for them!!
Read in the WSJ this week that there are half the number of house fires as 30 years ago and twice the number of firefighters on the payroll....
And they want to drain the Hetch Hetchy reservoir too.
I can’t believe I’m on the same side as Nancy and Diane over that one.
I don’t see it as a bad idea____IF_____ the 84 million went to it’s designated purpose,but we all know by the time the State gets their share, the grifters get their share, and Brown’s friend get their kickbacks, there will be little going toward the purpose.
Example of the communists control of California. This State is trashed!
When did Democrats get the idea that the constitution allows them to charge fees? It’s precedent now I suppose with Obama care.
Democrats have never seen a tax increase or new tax they didn’t like.
Go after the people who won’t let brush and old tree clean ups.
Ruinous economic governance has its consequences.
I had a volunteer fireman tell me that if we had a big fire in the small valley we live in, they most likely wouldn’t come here. There’s no water other than the 2500 gallon tank that we have, which was an option or pay $900. Our neighbors payed $900 for fire protection when they built their house. This is a rip off.
“Impact fees” are even uglier: illegal taxes levied by fire departments against only new residents in their areas. What NIMBYs support eventually comes back to haunt them on top of their income cuts and foreclosures to come (see bond collapse, repudiation, currency adjustment, etc.).
For those of you who do not live in California and/or unfamiliar with the demographics of the state, let me rewrite that line so it is more accurate and makes sense.
More than 800,000 Californians Republicans who own property in wildfire country will begin receiving bills this week for a new annual fire-protection fee
Quit your whining Californicates. You should feel privileged and honored to pay the fee to the freely elected overseers that now control every aspect of your lives. For those who live there and are not part of the queer, freak, pervert, or stupid majority and can’t escape, you have my sympathy.