Something is rotten in Denmark, kids.
Who didn’t know this was coming?
That seems rather un-American.
Ah yes! But the Zimmerman/Martin case must be debated and tried in the media.
I’m not saying... But I wouldn’t be at all surprised that this guy was primed and aimed by a third party just for the reactions they are getting.
Ib4 2nd Ammendment Conspiracy Theory du jour.
I doubt it would be “contrary to public interest” for the public to know more details about this crime. Such as, who else is involved, where did the killer get tear gas, and who financed everything?
Anyone know if this was done in the McVeigh case?
This points to.............. a staged operation.
Maybe should be in breaking, even thought it ‘broke’ unknownst to us two days ago.
zero knows how to unseal a case, it was what put him where he is today.
“jeopardize the ongoing investigation”
Don’t worry, there was an NBC news scroll this morning that said the shooter “acted alone”.
Did they find out he voted for Obama?
Good judge.
We all want this done right, not a circus, not a bunch of lawyers yapping on the courthouse steps or websites compromising the trial by publishing every police report and bit of evidence before it gets to court.
Holder and Ubama are so evil, that there is a distinct possibility that this is another of their schemes to "brainwash people into thinking about guns in an entirely different way."
I think the probability is at least 50/50.
Now obama's sealed records won't feel lonely anymore. Obama and Holmes are now united. They have so much in common except one is inside and the other is outside.
His Mother oddly said ... you've got the right guy
We're told he was arrested and committed the crimes while in a mask and body armor ... so there are no 'eye witnesses'
We're told he told the police of the apartment being rigged with trip wires and explosive and so it was disarmed with out incident
We're told via leaks from the jailhouse to the mainstream media that he is delusional and spitting on his captors
now the case is sealed
Nothing to see here sheeple ... just move along
George Soros hates America. He funded Obama's campaign, illegally. He illegally funds Occupy Wall Street (OWS). This shooter is expected to be part of OWS. Obama doesn't want the negative attention during this election cycle.
Somebody in OWS black bloc knows who recruited him.
the words, Lets roll, which authorities believe was a signal to the other passengers to confront the terrorist hijackers. In one hour, a transformation occurred among the passengers—athletes, business people and parents—from sh...eep to sheepdogs and together they fought the wolves, ultimately saving an unknown number of lives on the ground.
This is what our leaders ought to be telling America instead of the same ole “I’m so sorry for your loss “ crap we hear evey damn stinikin time. We need to instill in our youth and in our Citizens the mental attitude of...ATTACK.