This isn’t the first Brian Ross story to be “recalled.”
That didn’t take very long. The Tea Party James probably threatened to sue their socks off.
ABC was pretty quick to get the accusation out there, weren’t they? Once it’s out, they can’t take it back. Now it’s another “Tea Party crack pot” to blame for a murder rampage or bomb plot.
Shove it up your smelly collective Obamas, ABC, and George S-boy.
You’ll meet yourselves there after the shoving.
Oh, apology NOT accepted.
Note to ABCnews executives, have you a**holes learned ANYTHING from the Richard Jewell or George Zimmerman cases? Be sure your brains are engaged before putting your mouths in gear.
The ABC lawyers were probably having conniptions.........
The next headline should be: CO TEA Party Sues ABC for Defamation. That would get everyone’s attention and fatten the coffers of the TEA Party.
The ONLY thing that could have stopped this would have been armed citizens.
Put that in your pipe Herr Bloomberg.
Being called out incorrectly by name for doing one of the worst mass murders in recent American history on a live major network will take a lot,lot more than a “Sorry”.
Sue ABC. Expose the networks agenda and sue them again.
Google Brian Ross and sex related charges, 10 year old girls, nude photos. They’re not sure if it is chief investigative reporter at ABC, no verification. But it was important to break in with this news.
Doesn’t matter. They got it “out there.” They knew exactly what they were doing as they masters of propaganda; in fact, it’s in their implied, unwritten but underlying mission statement. MM’s raison d’être.
Time for ABC to lawyer up.
World class news agencies check their facts. Liberal hacks do such as this......
Give you 100 to 1 that the info came straight from the Obama camp.
ABC reluctantly apologizes for teaparty comment they purposely intended on reporting.
The police were of NO HELP in this situation, and the gunman surrendered after he did what he wanted.
The ONLY thing that could have stopped this would have been armed citizens.
Put that in your pipe, Herr Bloomberg.
No do overs ABC. You falsely accuse a person of being the shooter on national broadcast TV with a few million viewers, expect to pay a financial penalty.
Hopefully idiot Brian Ross will be sued too and he can learn a lesson.