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Live Streaming Link to Contempt Hearing on Holder (my title)
Congress US Government ^
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Posted on 06/20/2012 8:22:20 AM PDT by Mechanicos
Link to streaming live video feed on the contempt hearing on Holder and Fast and Furious.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Front Page News
KEYWORDS: 2deadfeds; 2ndamendment; 300deadmexicans; atf; banglist; contempt; dea; dhs; doj; doj4criminals; doj4murderers; doj4obstruction; doj4perjury; doj4terrorism; doj4terrorists; dojvsamerica; dojvsamericans; dojvscongress; dojvstransparency; fastandfurious; fbi; gunrunner; gunwalker; holder; holderliar; holdervsthelaw; ice; inneedosomerestraint; murder; murdergate; noaccountability; noconstitution; nojustice; notruth; noveritas; obama; perjury; toiletbowlspiral; whitehouseofcards
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Link to streaming live video feed on the contempt hearing on Holder and Fast and Furious.
To: Mechanicos
I’ll bet the Obama Imperial Presidency won’t bother the Liberal “News” media one bit. Everything is situational with them when it comes to ethics, principles, and values.
posted on
06/20/2012 8:25:42 AM PDT
("I'd rather be ruled by the Tea Party than the Democratic Party." Norman Podhoretz)
To: elhombrelibre
5 minutes for Committee members comments now, per member apparently. This Congresscritter from Michigan is NOT amused by these latest developments.
We’ll know shortly if Issa is going ahead with the vote or not. It’s hard for me to see how he could possibly delay it.
posted on
06/20/2012 8:29:32 AM PDT
(Violence is rarely the answer. But when it is it is the only answer.)
To: Mechanicos; Joe Brower; Travis McGee; LucyT; vette6387; MetaThought; 60Gunner; XHogPilot; ...
Fox is all over this like white on rice...and if that is racist, I don’t even give a damn anymore.
posted on
06/20/2012 8:29:58 AM PDT
(obama kills)
To: Lurker
His statements are very good! Hit ‘em HARD!
posted on
06/20/2012 8:31:42 AM PDT
(Wings cannot be redistributed, they can only be broken. ~ Oleg Atbashian (People's Cube))
To: Mechanicos
As usual Democrats protect and try to play victim card for Holder. They are upset the committee wants to end Holders stonewalling dance.
posted on
06/20/2012 8:32:02 AM PDT
To: opentalk
Yep. They’re circling the wagons.
posted on
06/20/2012 8:34:10 AM PDT
(Wings cannot be redistributed, they can only be broken. ~ Oleg Atbashian (People's Cube))
To: Mechanicos
posted on
06/20/2012 8:34:54 AM PDT
To: Lurker
For Obama to call the documents privileged now, at this late date, after saying he was in the dark, is to show the Imperial nature of his approach. Everything is being done by ukase by this president. He’s creating a constitutional crisis.
posted on
06/20/2012 8:35:14 AM PDT
("I'd rather be ruled by the Tea Party than the Democratic Party." Norman Podhoretz)
To: Pride in the USA
posted on
06/20/2012 8:35:59 AM PDT
(Today I broke my personal record for most consecutive days lived)
To: Mechanicos
Issa is handling this very well. The Democrats are being very reserved compared to their usual way of being. There is not only smoke here there is fire. You can see that Issa has something already, something big. And that the Democrats know he has it. The pushback by the Dmeocrats is tepid at best.
Something has been leaked already to Issa. Something big. Obama is now directly involved. This is going to get interesting. There is murder involved. This is NOT like Watergate. This is more serious.
To: RushIsMyTeddyBear
Issa is doing a good job, executive privilege can not be applied by a letter from Holder...Need the legal reason from the president.
Holder is a rotten egg, should of never been confirmed. Reason he was chosen by Obama (IMO)
The rep from Utah is impressive (can't recall name), speaks common sense.
posted on
06/20/2012 8:41:42 AM PDT
To: Mechanicos
Watch as the Democrats surround and protect their dear leader... The Republican will back off and the truth will never be seen. Maybe if the border agent was black, then the truth would be found.
This should be a wake up call to all peace officers.... You are pawns for the king to sacrifice. Your death is for the pleasure of the dear leader.
To: opentalk
posted on
06/20/2012 8:44:13 AM PDT
(Wings cannot be redistributed, they can only be broken. ~ Oleg Atbashian (People's Cube))
To: DarthVader
posted on
06/20/2012 8:45:39 AM PDT
(99 % of liberals give the rest a bad name)
To: isthisnickcool
Poor Obozo....what a tangle web we weave when we practice to deceive. Perhaps had that dope actually spent some time on literature, or at least as much as he did on community organizing, he would know what that statement infers about him.
This could be the tenth frame strike out for this dope: He tangles himself up in fast and furious criminally; he gets cought up in using national security leaks to further his political ambitions, and his health care law goes down to defeat all in a week. That would be the Bermuda Triangle for his reelection.
posted on
06/20/2012 8:47:24 AM PDT
(Voting is an opiate of the electorate. Nothing changes no matter who wins..)
To: baddog 219
This is absolutely disgusting to see these dems circling the wagon. Re-evaluate is all they keep saying. I’m sick to death of this!
posted on
06/20/2012 8:48:40 AM PDT
(This country was built on exceptionalism and individualism. In God we Trust - Laus Deo)
To: elhombrelibre
Caught CNN in the office break room.
While they are not "taking sides" on this one (in itself, a small victory), they are definitely not downplaying the seriousness of the hearings.
This is big news now, at least.
posted on
06/20/2012 8:48:48 AM PDT
(I've got my eye out for Mullah Omar.)
To: Mechanicos
Clay is such an inarticulate baffoon. “Da LAAAAAAAAWWWWW.......”
*rolls eyes*
posted on
06/20/2012 8:49:14 AM PDT
(Wings cannot be redistributed, they can only be broken. ~ Oleg Atbashian (People's Cube))
To: kingattax
Hopefully that is the holding cell at Houston.
posted on
06/20/2012 8:49:39 AM PDT
(Voting is an opiate of the electorate. Nothing changes no matter who wins..)
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