Link to streaming live video feed on the contempt hearing on Holder and Fast and Furious.
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To: Mechanicos
I’ll bet the Obama Imperial Presidency won’t bother the Liberal “News” media one bit. Everything is situational with them when it comes to ethics, principles, and values.
2 posted on
06/20/2012 8:25:42 AM PDT by
("I'd rather be ruled by the Tea Party than the Democratic Party." Norman Podhoretz)
To: Mechanicos; Joe Brower; Travis McGee; LucyT; vette6387; MetaThought; 60Gunner; XHogPilot; ...
Fox is all over this like white on rice...and if that is racist, I don’t even give a damn anymore.
4 posted on
06/20/2012 8:29:58 AM PDT by
(obama kills)
To: Mechanicos
As usual Democrats protect and try to play victim card for Holder. They are upset the committee wants to end Holders stonewalling dance.
6 posted on
06/20/2012 8:32:02 AM PDT by
To: Mechanicos
8 posted on
06/20/2012 8:34:54 AM PDT by
To: Pride in the USA
10 posted on
06/20/2012 8:35:59 AM PDT by
(Today I broke my personal record for most consecutive days lived)
To: Mechanicos
Issa is handling this very well. The Democrats are being very reserved compared to their usual way of being. There is not only smoke here there is fire. You can see that Issa has something already, something big. And that the Democrats know he has it. The pushback by the Dmeocrats is tepid at best.
Something has been leaked already to Issa. Something big. Obama is now directly involved. This is going to get interesting. There is murder involved. This is NOT like Watergate. This is more serious.
To: Mechanicos
Watch as the Democrats surround and protect their dear leader... The Republican will back off and the truth will never be seen. Maybe if the border agent was black, then the truth would be found.
This should be a wake up call to all peace officers.... You are pawns for the king to sacrifice. Your death is for the pleasure of the dear leader.
To: Mechanicos
Clay is such an inarticulate baffoon. “Da LAAAAAAAAWWWWW.......”
*rolls eyes*
19 posted on
06/20/2012 8:49:14 AM PDT by
(Wings cannot be redistributed, they can only be broken. ~ Oleg Atbashian (People's Cube))
To: Mechanicos
Thanks for the link. Mr. Clay (Missouri?) - this investigation began with the presumption of guilt.
He says the one scandal that took off with the press was Fast and Furious(.....what is he smoking?)
22 posted on
06/20/2012 8:50:04 AM PDT by
To: Mechanicos
Sickening bunch of crap spewing from the mouths of Democrats who don’t want to find out the truth (just like when Clinton was IMPEACHED).
25 posted on
06/20/2012 8:54:59 AM PDT by
To: Mechanicos
Gerry Connolly now blaming weak gun laws for Fast & Furious.
I want to kick the fat glob of wool in his teeth.
28 posted on
06/20/2012 8:57:13 AM PDT by
(The only reason I have one in the chamber at all times, is because it is impossible to have two in.)
To: Mechanicos
Here are your 19 Bend Over Republicans who voted yes on Holder confirmation as AG.
Alexander (R-TN)
Bennett (R-UT)
Bond (R-MO)
Chambliss (R-Ga)
Collins (R-ME)
Corker (R-TN)
Graham (R-SC)
Grassley (R-IA)
Gregg (R-NH)
Hatch (R-UT)
Isakson (R-GA)
Kyl (R-AZ)
Lugar (R-IN)
McCain (R-AZ)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Sessions (R-AL)
Snowe (R-ME)
Specter (R-PA)
Voinovich (R-OH)
46 posted on
06/20/2012 9:09:27 AM PDT by
(Obama is everything Oklahoma is not.)
To: Stillwaters
53 posted on
06/20/2012 9:20:15 AM PDT by
(Today I broke my personal record for most consecutive days lived)
To: Mechanicos
Ewww. Who’s the weenie beta male from Vermont?
59 posted on
06/20/2012 9:39:36 AM PDT by
(Wings cannot be redistributed, they can only be broken. ~ Oleg Atbashian (People's Cube))
To: Mechanicos
Get ‘em, Gowdy!!! LOVE this guy.
60 posted on
06/20/2012 9:40:21 AM PDT by
(Wings cannot be redistributed, they can only be broken. ~ Oleg Atbashian (People's Cube))
To: Mechanicos
Check out the pic Drudge just put up. LOL!
63 posted on
06/20/2012 9:43:46 AM PDT by
(Wings cannot be redistributed, they can only be broken. ~ Oleg Atbashian (People's Cube))
To: Mechanicos
My crush on Trey Gowdy just grew..
He’s on fire!! The RATS better be shaking in their birkenstocks
64 posted on
06/20/2012 9:46:16 AM PDT by
To: Mechanicos
Trey Gowdy, R SC. ....This is about the law. She doesn't care about politics, race is about equal justice. Congress has time to investigate baseball. We have time to investigate lethal Fast and Furious.
He is on fire speaking the truth.
65 posted on
06/20/2012 9:46:54 AM PDT by
To: Mechanicos
Obstructor of Justice Holder is far more evil than any Bulger.
The DOJ has lost all respect by honest people.
71 posted on
06/20/2012 9:54:28 AM PDT by
("Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. " Pres. Ronald Reagan)
To: Mechanicos
OK. I have a crush on Gowdy. ;-)
76 posted on
06/20/2012 9:56:18 AM PDT by
(Wings cannot be redistributed, they can only be broken. ~ Oleg Atbashian (People's Cube))
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