There’s a little good in everyone.
Compared to current resident of White House, 40 years from now they will say DICK NIXON was a saint...just saying here...Freegards
BTW, Hi Bob, you tool!
Then, as now, the media was the propaganda arm of the DNC. The libs did everything they could to destroy him. As they rewrite history he has become their political antichrist and no one challenges the image anymore.
From the accounts I heard, he was well-liked by the sailors under his command during World War II. (The same can be said for his 1960 opponent, JFK.) He did his job as an officer efficiently, without being a jerk, and was apparently genuinely concerned about the welfare and morale of his sailors.
I think Nixon was absolutely wrong about a lot of things (something of a Keyesian). Nonetheless, he right about a lot, and was an effective executive. He was probably no more corrupt and ruthless than JFK or LBJ, he just never had the press behind him.
Nixon’s greatest crime was beating McGovern in a nationwide landslide. No one that anyone in the MSM knew voted for Nixon. Nixon had to be punished.
Black Dynamite kicked his ass!
The “real” reasons for Watergate (and the self-congratulation of Mr. Woodward, who, like his “newspaper” is in decline) are as follows: 1) Carl Bernstein acknowleged in his memoirs that both his parents were secret members of the US Communist Party and he was a red-diaper baby; obviously he hated Richard Nixon and oculd care less about the millions of dead in South Vietnam — he will face a much greater Judge some day than Richard Nixon ever did; 2) Mark Felt was a bitter old man passed over for promotion to FBI director who “got back” at Nixon and Patrick Grey to the delight of the press and whose idiotic family demanded money for his backstabbing; 3) Woodward and Bernstein have little else, so they have to magnify their supposed “accomplishment”; 4) if you have ever talked to a liberal goofball (several are my neighbors) they will regale you with stories abour Nixon’s purported “crimes” but be unable to tell you WHAT they were — on the other hand, they never say a word about a law professor running for the Senate who lied about being an “Indian” and got affirmative action benefits or the simpleton John Edwards, among many others.
Above and beyond putting the wretch Blackmun on the SCOTUS, Nixon made legalization of abortion a “national security” priority of his administration. Conservatives used to object to things like this.
Nixon: killed dollar-gold convertibility, instituted price and wage controls, launched the EPA and OSHA, and opened up China. He did a lot of damage in office. Was he the criminal he’s been painted to be? Most likely not.
The lefties have to engage in revisionist history in their laughable attempt to prop Obama up and keep him from being rated the worst President ever.
But it won’t work.
Obama makes Nixon look like a babe in the woods.
Helms put McCord, Hunt, Sturgis and pissed-off Cubans on Watergate.Nixon sent Helms to Iran in 73, but fell clutching his own wound August 8, 1974.
Woodward, besides being a Communist, is a narcissist.
Felt carried the stench of Hoover, the director who denied organized crime until 1957.
Had Nixon indicted Fonda he might have defeated the Left's propaganda war.
"Aid And Comfort": Jane Fonda In North Vietnam" By: Henry Mark Holzer & Erika Holzer
then I realized...what the HELL did he ever do to deserve what he got?....he wasn't involved in the Watergate at all...he tried to protect his friends....
IIRC, he was ostracized for having 2 FBI files....Clintoon had 700!!!!
there was also talk of Nixon having the IRS go after a couple of people....HOW many Christian groups have been investigated by Clintoon and bamey boy?....