Illegals elect and effect Senators today as a result of the 17th Ammendment...
The Census which divides the federal handout pie directly relates to the 'count' which prior to the 17th Senators were not effected by -they could care less about the demands of the mobs in regard to the States they served.
And state legislators. DOY!
Psst...Illegals elect and effect political officials in EVERY popularly elected legislative body, ESPECIALLY in the House of Representatives (read about how Loretta Sanchez won her seat). Going by your logic, the "solution" would be to have politicians appoint ALL our officials for us (the President would have to be appointed by Congress too, since JFK stole Texas thanks to illegal alien votes for example, and don't get started on the '96 Clinton/Gore amnesty). How about we just repealing motor-voter laws, passing laws to require photo ID to vote, and taking care of other idiotic loopholes that are really the result of illegal aliens voting in our elections? Or are seriously going to argue that illegally alien vote fraud is only a problem in the U.S. Senate elections?
>> they could care less about the demands of the mobs in regard to the States they served. <<
Yeah yeah yeah.... if only the Mass. state legislature were allowed to appoint some Democrat hack to Ted Kennedy's seat without those annoying little "mob rule" (a.k.a. the citizens of the state speaking up and electing someone who actually listens to them, things would be soooooooo much better in America.
You guys who constantly whine about how things would be soooooooooo much better if politicians appointed our Senate for us use the same logic as the dopes who wants a single-payer health care system. EVERYWHERE else in the world where it's been tried, the system never works and results in a failed bureaucracy, but you insist that's only because they had the "wrong people" in charge and live in your fantasy world that honest, honorable "statesmen" would make sure to do the right thing here.