Here we go.
1 posted on
04/12/2012 4:43:01 PM PDT by
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To: gandalftb
The Unha-3 rocket with the Kwangmyongsong-3 satellite payload launched from the Sohae launch site at Tongch’ang-dong.
The Kwangmyongsong-3 is a 100 kg box-shaped satellite
1.4 x 0.6 x 0.7m in size with body-mounted solar panels.
Unha-3 is a three stage vehicle; stage 1 is 2.40m in diameter, stage 2 is about 1.5m in diameter, and stage 3 is about 1.2m in diameter.
The first two stages were to fly south on an azimuth that would lead to an 88 degree inclination orbit; the third stage was expected to make a yawed burn that if successful will result in a 500 km, 97.4 deg inclination sun-synchronous orbit.
2 posted on
04/12/2012 4:46:54 PM PDT by
(The art of diplomacy says "nice doggie", until you find a bigger rock.)
To: gandalftb
Where is that Laser Beam 747 parked????
To: gandalftb
I’ll bet a lot of the locals went in during the night and siphoned off some of the fuel to burn in their cars.
4 posted on
04/12/2012 4:47:51 PM PDT by
(ObamaCare is like a stool sample. You have to pass it to find out what's in it.)
To: gandalftb
The rocket, named Unha-3
Should have called it Kaboom-3
5 posted on
04/12/2012 4:48:34 PM PDT by
To: gandalftb
7 posted on
04/12/2012 4:49:35 PM PDT by
(The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.)
To: gandalftb
"The second stage of the rock was to splash down..."Yeah, rocks aren't extremely flight-worthy over long distances. Even money says Carney tells the Press ODrama made it fail with the power of his mind and concentration.
8 posted on
04/12/2012 4:50:52 PM PDT by
(FYBO/FUBO; qwerty ergo typo : i type, therefore i misspelll)
To: gandalftb
Looks like it failed upon exiting the Yellow Sea area, right about where it would make sense to intercept it if you were a Japanese AEGIS destroyer captain.
9 posted on
04/12/2012 4:52:39 PM PDT by
To: gandalftb
Aww someone posted epicfail in the keywords before me :(
The bozo invited the world media and they just embarrassed themselves to the world again....
10 posted on
04/12/2012 4:54:05 PM PDT by
(Go Bulls!!! Go Blackhawks!!! Go White Sox!!!)
To: gandalftb
Clinton Democrats negotiating with Bernard Schwartz to get him in touch with NK.
11 posted on
04/12/2012 4:54:24 PM PDT by
(If modern America's Man on Horseback is out there, Get on the damn horse already!)
To: gandalftb
12 posted on
04/12/2012 4:54:54 PM PDT by
("Most time a man'll tell you his bad intentions if you listen and let yourself hear"--Open Range)
To: gandalftb
I wonder what will happen to the scientists involved. Weren’t the olympic athletes, who didn’t bring home the gold, subjected to some sort of punishment?
13 posted on
04/12/2012 4:54:54 PM PDT by
To: gandalftb; windcliff
Will North Korea’s newspapers call it a success?
To: gandalftb
I wonder how many heads will roll and how many executions will happen due to this epic fail?
16 posted on
04/12/2012 4:57:27 PM PDT by
To: gandalftb
To: gandalftb
First stage failed 90 to 120 seconds into launch.
19 posted on
04/12/2012 4:58:57 PM PDT by
Red_Devil 232
(VietVet - USMC All Ready On The Right? All Ready On The Left? All Ready On The Firing Line!)
To: gandalftb
To: gandalftb
To: gandalftb
I’m sure those responsible for the failure have already been blown to bits by mortars.
31 posted on
04/12/2012 5:18:26 PM PDT by
(Don't wake up in a roadside ditch. Get rid of Romney.)
To: gandalftb
Failure to launch? There’s viagra for that.
34 posted on
04/12/2012 5:24:24 PM PDT by
Repeat Offender
(While the wicked stand confounded, call me with Thy Saints surrounded)
To: gandalftb
So, dear leader’s rocket went limp..?
36 posted on
04/12/2012 5:24:42 PM PDT by
(Enemy of the Statist)
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