Woo Hoo! Bumping that new Freepathon thread!
bumpity, bumpity, bumpity
$91 (dollar-a-day) in the mail this afternoon. Literally.
FReepathon BUMP!!!
Lets git ‘er done.
Nascar at FR Pit CRew FReepathon BumP! Ping!
Monthly Donor Bump! An extra $50 incoming from Alabama.
"What would you do Without FR?????
Suppose one day you tried to log on and Free Republic wasnt there? Where would you get your up to the minute news? How about the live threads as things are happening?
How would you know about the latest Demorat scams, anti-second amendment schemes and all the other liberal, anti-American ploys that are tried every single day?
Insight into world affairs, brilliant wit, sharp retorts, instant information gratification are a few of the things that make FR so vital.
How would you keep on top of things without FR?
How would you know who to contact to complain about the lying politicians, Media Bias, Hollyweirds latest mouth off, sponsors of these idiots, company policies that are unfair and all the other things we need to know to counteract the liberal mindset and the evil plans of liberals?
How would you be part of a Freep?
What would you do without FR????
Freedom isnt free.
If you enjoy the site and find it a place of like minded Americans to sound off, to get together, to fight back, to have your voice heard and make a difference, PLEASE CONTRIBUTE NOW! Jim cant do this alone.
The liberals are sure we wont be able to keep FR up & running. Prove them wrong. Show them we are indeed united Freepers. Whether it is $5.00, $50.00 or more, it all adds up. Please send a donation now to Free Republic."
Donated and BTTT.
Sending the usual $40.00 snail mail in tomorrows mail pick up. Should be there by Friday.
A check is in the mail. Come on California freepers!!!
In before the 250th post! (Donation will probably hit tomorrow though.)
I increased my donation for FreeRepublic from $5 to $20 last night. Its a statement against TBL that we are the superior web blog.
Dropped and gave you 20.
Hey, feeling fit today.
Jim, thank you once again for this excellent site. I’ve just sent you my contribution. Hope you and your family are doing well.
Guys, we need to fight for Free Republic like we are the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae.
My March and April monthlies have been mailed today!
Ok, here’s a funny thing, well, not rally. Whenever I post that I have mailed the donation, my heart stops a few beats and I hope that I didn’t by mistake send an empty envelope. Maybe next time I should post while I’m sealing the envelope so my heart can keep beating regular. LOL
God Bless you Jim!