Taze my 12yo girl over this kind of crap and you will find the fighting side of me.
Facebook is nothing but aggravation. My children are grown, but I would have to think very hard about letting a 12 year old have her own page. I’d let her use mine if I had one, but not have her own.
Here’s the problem....the anti-bullying crowd are showing up at the schools demanding teachers and administrators “do something” about the bullying.
Of course....they can only deal with things that happen at the school. Alot of the bullying is taking place online.
And now there is a tend in the thinking that goes like this....a nasty feud breaks out on FB in the evening, and it carries over into school the next day.
Parents want the school to “do something”
And...liberals being who they are...feel like they have to prove they are “doing something”
Since no one has figured out a way to monitor FB 24/7 on behalf of the school....this password business is probably the next step.
Yes - the school is overstepping , but I’m willing to bet the parents contributed to the problem too.
Most police carry a taser, I’m sure he wasn’t going to use it on the kid.
It’s against FB’s TOS to give out your password.
If a parent is STUPID ENOUGH to let their middle-schooler on Facebook, then yes, the school should have the right to monitor it (especially considering that the parent is already stupid enough to put the kid in public school, in the first place).
These bullies .... NO thugs need a good assets kicking. How dare they invade kid’s privacy and reduce her tears by intimidating her.
the legal age for having a facebook account is 13
the school is replacing her parents in grounding this twit
if the kids use school computers to access social sites then the schools shuld have the right to demand their passwords
Public school is child abuse.
Why has nobody mentioned 5th Amendment protections against self-incrimination?
I’d say by age 13 you ought to be familiar with the Bill of Rights.
The public school is BY FAR, the largest, most expensive, most subversive, and most destructive entitlement program in the country.
The public school is better understood as the government school collective.
It is silly to imagine that you can fix the public schools, because the very concept itself is communist.
If you want to win the culture war, have lots of children (see my tagline) and homeschool them or form your own school cooperative with your church or synagogue and like-minded friends and relatives.
If you already have children, make whatever sacrifices you must to get them out of the public schools.
Especially not with your own children!
I am repeating myself, but it must be said, and as many as possible must hear this.
The school was completely out of line. Facebook is the legal equivalent of her papers and effects. For the government to compel even a minor to do this is a gross violation of the First Amendment.
We would have words. They I would let my wife talk to them.
They only abuse families and children like this because they have a captive audience.
Free people with independent education vouchers and alternatives and watch how quickly the Marxist public schools rediscover respect for the people they serve.
No young child of mine would be messing in social media! Parents are insane to turn their children loose in the gutter of the globe - the Internet. They are double insane to put their children in today’s public schools.
Public schools are the government, therefore, the government took from a private citizen something it was not authorized to receive.
More proof that Facebook is evil.
I cannot imagine Facebook being unleashed on a young teenager.