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Santorum Calls Limbaugh Comments 'Absurd'
CNN Political Unit ^
| March 2nd, 2012
| Staff
Posted on 03/02/2012 12:37:54 PM PST by BarnacleCenturion
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To: BarnacleCenturion
What? The Pelosi/Fluke histrionics wasn’t theater of the absurd? Rush was merely exposing the insanity of it all and Santorum calls that absurd? I never thought that Santorum was a straight-shooter anyhow!
To: cripplecreek
Sounds like a measured, good answer to a gotcha question to me.
posted on
03/02/2012 12:55:19 PM PST
(Beware of kittens modifying your posts.)
To: cripplecreek
Sounds like a measured, good answer to a gotcha question to me.
posted on
03/02/2012 12:55:19 PM PST
(Beware of kittens modifying your posts.)
To: petercooper
Santorum didn’t butt in. He was asked by Blitzer and all he did was respond with what Rush says all the time.
He uses the absurd to make a point.
Butting in would have meant he sought out someone and offered his critique without being asked.
posted on
03/02/2012 12:57:46 PM PST
To: JaguarXKE
posted on
03/02/2012 12:58:48 PM PST
(I could eat it raw, but why do that when I have a fire.)
To: BarnacleCenturion
David Burge @iowahawkblog BREAKING: GM Chevy Volt plant retooled to produce Sandra Fluke's birth control; 3 full time shifts added #UAW
posted on
03/02/2012 1:01:07 PM PST
(An update is available for this tagline. Click here to download.)
To: BarnacleCenturion
posted on
03/02/2012 1:02:18 PM PST
Son House
(The Economic Boom Heard Around The World => TEA Party 2012)
To: BarnacleCenturion
Well Santorum just lost any chance of me supporting him. I have a line in the sand these days that cannot and must not be crossed... Santorum just crossed it. It is now Newt or I write in Sarah Palin’s name. This guy does not deserve the nomination and would turn on us a quickly as he has turned on Rush.
To: stayathomemom
You have to ask yourself, who is it that more conservatives trust-Rush or Santorum? Santorum isn’t quick-witted enough to side-step lib traps. The “community organizer” would cream him!
To: BarnacleCenturion; cripplecreek; Lazlo in PA
What is he supposed to do? Is he supposed to say he agrees with the comments and that the woman is a slut? The libs are already painting him as anti-woman. If he did that, it would only add more fuel to the libs’ fire which is spread across MSM outlets. The same “Little Ricky” haters here criticizing him would then use his comments of agreement to paint him as a Catholic extremist who focuses too much on the social issues, is anti-woman, and can’t keep his mouth shut. He’s damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. The man can’t win, and you know it.
posted on
03/02/2012 1:03:05 PM PST
To: faucetman
Ricky has no balls.Did you read more than the headline? The word "absurd" is taken out of context in the headline.
posted on
03/02/2012 1:03:23 PM PST
( Pray for Obama- Psalm 109:8)
To: BarnacleCenturion
No, Ricky, we don’t want to pay for women having their sex and buying their pills to do so. Pay for those pills on their own. That girl is trashy. This should had been right with your convictions. This is why I don’t support you. Trying to make points with the establishment is a sell out.
posted on
03/02/2012 1:03:47 PM PST
Christie at the beach
(I like Newt and would love to see political dead bodies on the floor.)
To: BarnacleCenturion
I’ve known all along Trick Ricky Dicky is a fraud. FURS!
posted on
03/02/2012 1:04:04 PM PST
(Romney=Hitler Obama=Stalin. Either way, we're screwed.)
To: LibLieSlayer
posted on
03/02/2012 1:05:26 PM PST
To: BarnacleCenturion
And Santorum is rapidly becoming inconsequential.
posted on
03/02/2012 1:06:18 PM PST
Redleg Duke
("Madison, Wisconsin is 30 square miles surrounded by reality.", L. S. Dryfus)
To: cripplecreek
It is to me Crip... a true Conservative would use this example to teach... but he took the easy way out by accepting the leftist media template. He would cut your throat or mine just as quickly as he did Rush's.
To: stayathomemom
I’m guessing that if you were to ask Rush if he thought his comment was absurd he’d probably say yes and explain, “That’s what I do”.
Back when he was defending Bill Maher over the “brave terrorist” remarks that got Maher fired, Rush said the comments were over the line but explained that controversial comments are what pays the bills for all of them.
posted on
03/02/2012 1:06:38 PM PST
(What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?)
To: BarnacleCenturion
“He's being absurd, but that's you know, an entertainer can be absurd,” Santorum told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Friday. “He's in a very different business than I am.” Hey Rush. That what's the political establishment thinks you are. An "entertainer". Get on The Team. The Conservative Dream team.
posted on
03/02/2012 1:07:12 PM PST
(The south shall rise again.)
To: Christie at the beach
See post #30. I’ll also add that you darn well that Rick Santorum has been a leader in opposing Obama’s contraception mandate. He is even personally opposed to using contraception. Not long ago, you Newt supporters were hating on Rick and painting him as an extremist too focused on social issues for his opposition. You can’t have it both ways.
posted on
03/02/2012 1:08:30 PM PST
To: dforest
Thank you for that dis ambiguous explanation/clarification in regards to what your hero was ACTUALLY saying or intended to say, as well as the usual apology for anything/everything in the very near future for What other blunder/blunders Santorum will find himself mired in........
(This blanket explanation/excuse is redeemable for use in all future Santorum blunders and is non transferable to any other candidates for explicit use, so sayeth the Lord!)
posted on
03/02/2012 1:11:29 PM PST
(If you come to a fork in the road, take it........)
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