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To: stayathomemom

I’m guessing that if you were to ask Rush if he thought his comment was absurd he’d probably say yes and explain, “That’s what I do”.

Back when he was defending Bill Maher over the “brave terrorist” remarks that got Maher fired, Rush said the comments were over the line but explained that controversial comments are what pays the bills for all of them.

37 posted on 03/02/2012 1:06:38 PM PST by cripplecreek (What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?)
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To: cripplecreek
“I’m guessing that if you were to ask Rush if he thought his comment was absurd he’d probably say yes and explain, “That’s what I do”.

Back when he was defending Bill Maher over the “brave terrorist” remarks that got Maher fired, Rush said the comments were over the line but explained that controversial comments are what pays the bills for all of them.”

The problem is the comment wasn't absurd, but maybe Rush should have stuck with the more refined “prostitute” word, since she wants us to pay for her birth control. Why can't she ask the guys to pay? Why is the Catholic Church supposed to pay for this girl's sexual activity.

I agree with those who said, Rick should have used this as a teaching moment. The comment wasn't absurd since the women volunteered the information about herself. Rick could have easily turned the issue around and said he would not call her that name, but he couldn't understand why she expected the Catholic Church to pick up her tab for something they do not believe in. Rick could have talked about personal responsibility, but instead he called the comment absurd.

As far as Bill Maher’s words, the word he used is less acceptable than slut and the media did not care that he used the word to describe Sarah Palin who did not in any way deserve the derogatory comment.

198 posted on 03/03/2012 5:31:08 AM PST by FR_addict
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