There. Fixed.
Therefore any whistle-blowers with ideas of daring to film air traffic controllers viewing porn, sleeping, or watching movies while on duty will be banned from doing so.
Re your post #6, I guess it’s where you go...and when. Some years ago (and it was a lot, so maybe my observations are way out of date), I was shown the air controllers at work at a location just outside Washington, DC. The controllers there were working air corridors for a good portion of the east coast.
What I saw were a lot of people sitting at their screens highly concentrating on what they were doing. No slackers in sight.
Another thing I noticed: practically everyone was smoking cigarettes. I think that was to reduce the tension, because
these men (and a few women) literally had the lives of thousands of air passengers in their hands.
Maybe times have changed. I’m just telling about what I saw.