Posted on 02/06/2012 5:57:18 AM PST by safetysign
This year another advertisement entered a crowded field, without pomp but predicated on real-world circumstanceChryslers Halftime in America, featuring a weathered but resolute Clint Eastwood. He isnt exactly selling anything in the spot, which is filmed to resemble a political ad if it were produced by Paul Haggis (Eastwoods collaborator on Million Dollar Baby and the director of Crash). Instead, he aims to jolt, then scold, but ultimately soothe the viewer. First seen walking from the shadows of a hazy football game, he hunches his shoulders walks with a tired grace. Speaking in a voice so gravelly you could walk across it, he declaims that the American auto industrys primary focus has been compromised by the fog, division, discord and blame, but America knows how to come from behind to win.
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I’m more inclined to call it the Two Minute Warning.
And justifying bailouts. I liked the tweet I saw yesterday. It’s halftime in America and we’re behind $16 trillion to nothing.
except obama is the team owner
I don't agree. For me it came across as a promo for a "second half" of an Obama 8 year Presidency. No thanks to Clint on this one.
Referring to an Obama second term? I wouldn't put it past them. Just as it was sure nice for NBC to offer Barack a campaign spot.
That was my take on it as well.
Chrysler is now under private ownership again.
I had thought that Eastwood was a conservative, but I saw this as a pro-Obama ad. I was shocked.
That's the way I saw it. All this free advertising obama gets. We're due for a new car and I certainly won't buy a GM. If Clint releases any new movies - I won't buy a ticket. I boycott all obama lovers/supporters and will continue to do so.
You see that Fiat commercial that was whip cream off the chest.
All I get is a message that states: This commercial is no longer available due to copyright by the NFL.
Didn’t watch it and now NFL has taken it down.
They took their ball and went home.
I saw this ad as a justification of bale outs and a plea to re-elect BHO or we are domed.
It made me want to vomit, even my “liberal” husband thought it was a bit over the top.
Chrysler got $1.3 billion in taxpayer’s money for free.
"I hate Dodge".
She ain't too crazy about GM either...
I took it as American resolve and carrying on since Clint can see the nation is at a crossroads. My better half thought he was supporting a 2nd Obama act.
Nope it’s bombast by a poser who reads lines fed to him and written by somebody else.
Detroit’s the model for America? What comeback? It’s still ruled by dumb and corrupt Democrats steeped in race baiting and class warfare. Chrysler took a government bailout and didn’t pay back $1.3 billion of it.
So the message is:
1. Elect Democrats
2. Let them wreck things
3. Welfare is the answer
Chrysler should have gone bankrupt long ago. Reorganize and come back leaner. Instead we get pablum spun as gravitas and many can no longer tell the difference.
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