Actually, I think we are about to witness ...”the great falling away.”
We’ve seen it slowly happening, but now it will be as a lightening bolt between Christians and christians.
As I stated on another thread I admire the Catholic Church’s stand, but if they capitulate and drop medical coverage for their staff etc. This places individuals at a very distinct turning point in their faith.
The new 0bamacare law requires birth control coverage and abortion funding by the insurance companies. If I understand these things correctly, they are required...meaning I as a Christian, will not be able to buy insurance without paying for these things. If the individual refuses...we will be punished by our government.
So this does go very much deeper than just the Catholic staff. There is a great falling away going to happen because as someone admitted can they not carry medical insurance?
It is a tough, tough call to make.
Medical insurance vs. Heaven insurance
Canon Law says those committing murder, abortion, and heresy are automatically excommunicated.
> .meaning I as a Christian, will not be able to buy
> insurance without paying for these things.
It’s time to “go Amish”.