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To: smoothsailing
Murtha was a stinking traitor to the men and women in uniform. If Mabus goes through with this, hopefully, the crew will scuttle the ship before it becomes any more of an embarrassment to America than it will be.
37 posted on
01/27/2012 10:20:03 AM PST by
(Congress - Another name for white collar criminals!!)
To: 3catsanadog; agrace; airborne; Ayn Rand wannabe; bdeaner; Benrand; bloodmeridian; Bockscar; ...
To: smoothsailing; potlatch; devolve; ntnychik; dixiechick2000
48 posted on
01/27/2012 1:09:36 PM PST by
(Hussein: Islamo-Commie from Kenya)
To: smoothsailing; bevperl; manc; wymck; ghost26; PJammers; myuval; tiredofreeloaders; WBITT; ...
Thanks for the ping!
Florida Freeper ping here! Please folks, send the link to this to all your email lists! We the people can stop this!
56 posted on
01/27/2012 2:36:40 PM PST by
(I want a Commander In Chief who honors and supports our Military!)
To: smoothsailing
Ship namesakes for persons should go to ones awarded their service M.O.H. Today ship naming after persons is just a political rather than a traditional honoring process. From what I see Murtha had a Bronze Star was that even with a -V?
67 posted on
01/27/2012 3:30:36 PM PST by
(Two Choices left for U.S. One Nation Under GOD or One Nation Under Judgment? Which one say ye?)
To: smoothsailing
The “man” is a disgrace across the board.
Couldn’t they just name the head “the Murtha hole”?
69 posted on
01/27/2012 3:48:26 PM PST by
(The 1st victim of islam is the person who practices the lie.)
To: smoothsailing
I wouldn't even name a pirogue or Jon Boat after that man.
Now that I've said my piece, I'm going to the head and take a Murtha!
(that's a restroom for you landlubbers. Shellback 1981)
74 posted on
01/27/2012 6:33:50 PM PST by
(Pride breakfasted with plenty, dined with poverty, and supped with infamy. Benjamin Franklin)
To: smoothsailing
The ship will not be named after him, just the anchor. The shipmates will salute each time it is dropped!
75 posted on
01/27/2012 6:59:38 PM PST by
(I'm really, really blessed! WWW.MIKEMcCALISTERFORSENATE.COM check him out!)
To: smoothsailing
If someone wants to bestow special recognition on the late Congress Critter, I’d be happy to participate in a convoy of tour buses to Johnstown, PA to pi$$ on his grave!
84 posted on
01/27/2012 8:21:27 PM PST by
To: smoothsailing
We believe that such a man does not deserve to be honored by the U.S. Navy. I do not know if the United States Navy still has Garbage Scows If they do I think the name USS John Murtha Garbage Scow would be an acceptable honor for a man of his stature.
89 posted on
01/27/2012 9:41:43 PM PST by
(Deckhand, Roughneck, Mud Man, Geologist, Pilot, Pharmacist. THE CONSTITUTION IS WORTH DYING FOR!)
To: smoothsailing; seekthetruth
97 posted on
01/28/2012 6:27:23 AM PST by
(You cannot bargain with the devil, shut the government down.)
To: smoothsailing
Murtha’s name shouldn’t be on anything but a garbage scow..
And even then, I’m not sure garbage scow owners would appreciate the insult..
104 posted on
01/28/2012 8:33:25 AM PST by
(Denial is the first requirement to be a liberal)
To: smoothsailing
106 posted on
01/28/2012 8:43:39 AM PST by
(I've got my eye out for Mullah Omar.)
To: smoothsailing
Actually, I like the idea.
Perhaps the ships mission could be "To kill innocent civilians in cold blood."
115 posted on
01/28/2012 10:38:24 AM PST by
(Norm Lenhart knows nothing about reloading.)
To: All
As former Navy I can assure you the squids will call her the Murthaf***er cuz they will know the disgraced well dead embarrassment to the Corps bastard's record.
119 posted on
01/28/2012 12:55:33 PM PST by
Happy Rain
("The TSA" teaching fed thugs to oppress and the oppressed to get used to it.")
To: smoothsailing; DrewsMum; Tupelo; mstar; jdirt; Vietnam Vet From New Mexico; wardaddy; KLT; ...
Save Us from Mabus Mississippi Ping!!
120 posted on
01/28/2012 1:20:12 PM PST by
(Anything Obama: "What a revoltin' development this is")
To: smoothsailing
mabus is a commie butt plug for obama... he will wipe his backside with our letters. I will send one anyway. I hope that the rat gets a paper cut!
130 posted on
01/30/2012 4:22:29 AM PST by
(Recession: You have no job* Depression: I have no job* Recovery: obama has no job!)
To: smoothsailing
I’m going to send letters. This so pisses me off. That delta bravo shouldn’t have a ship named after him. Scum!
131 posted on
01/30/2012 11:53:55 AM PST by
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