1 posted on
01/26/2012 2:55:22 PM PST by
John W
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To: John W
Adios, Juan. Thanks for the gap-toothed smiles!
2 posted on
01/26/2012 2:57:41 PM PST by
Joe 6-pack
(Que me amat, amet et canem meum)
To: John W
I am astounded by the number of people dying at the ages of 50-60. Seems like too many. I thought people were more concerned about their health nowadays...
To: John W
4 posted on
01/26/2012 2:59:10 PM PST by
To: John W
I loved that show,,,God I feel so old!
6 posted on
01/26/2012 2:59:55 PM PST by
(Obama or America - can't have both)
To: John W
< Cotter voice > “We were so poor we did not have guns for our gang fights. We inserted the bullets manually.”< / Cotter>
7 posted on
01/26/2012 3:02:55 PM PST by
going hot
(Happiness is a momma deuce)
To: John W
Lordy so young!
I used to love “signed, Epstein’s Mother...” Also that character was one of the first truly multi-ethnic characters on TV.
RIP and prayers for the family.
11 posted on
01/26/2012 3:07:15 PM PST by
(Spoiler Alert! The secret to Terra Nova: THEY ARE ALL DEAD!!!)
To: John W
Welcome back; your dreams were your ticket out
Welcome back to the same old place you laughed about...
13 posted on
01/26/2012 3:10:17 PM PST by
(Excising a cancer before it kills us waters the Tree of Liberty! TERM LIMITS, NOW AND FOREVER!)
To: John W
Good to know he stayed true to his roots and was living in Metuchen.
14 posted on
01/26/2012 3:11:23 PM PST by
To: John W
Life In Legacy is always interesting .
For instance, Dick Tufeld, the voice of the Robot on Lost In Space died.
18 posted on
01/26/2012 3:32:54 PM PST by
To: John W
I won’t believe it until I see a note from his mother.
20 posted on
01/26/2012 3:40:42 PM PST by
(Journalists first; then lawyers.)
To: John W
RIP Juan. Interesting link provided. The sequence provided from Welcome Back Kotter highlighted the group with Juan but the debate teacher from the other side was James Woods!
To: John W
He died. Did he have a note?
22 posted on
01/26/2012 3:42:56 PM PST by
Tanniker Smith
(I didn't know she was a liberal when I married her.)
To: John W
29 posted on
01/26/2012 3:56:48 PM PST by
Zionist Conspirator
(Ki-hagoy vehamamlakhah 'asher lo'-ya`avdukh yove'du; vehagoyim charov yecheravu!)
To: John W
Damn it!
Too young.
Rest in Peace.
I’d send a note but....
32 posted on
01/26/2012 4:20:45 PM PST by
(Don't take life so seriously, you won't live through it anyway)
To: John W
So long, Robert, and thank you for the memories. You went far too young.
33 posted on
01/26/2012 4:22:01 PM PST by
Old Sarge
(RIP FReeper Skyraider (1930-2011) - You Are Missed)
To: John W
I’ll remember his tomorrow for Shabot.
Then I will do a Shiva for a couple of minutes.
35 posted on
01/26/2012 4:26:37 PM PST by
(Don't take life so seriously, you won't live through it anyway)
To: John W
1st Puerto Rican Jew
37 posted on
01/26/2012 4:31:36 PM PST by
(Don't take life so seriously, you won't live through it anyway)
To: John W
I used to tote this to skrool everyday
Man, I thought I was badass. It was a walk of about 3 miles(at least--and it snowed often), and that little lunchbox survived not only all manner of foul weather but the abuse of crystalized rock samples (I thought they held magical properties and I still haven't seen evidence that they don't) I gathered on the journey homeward. Epstein was by far my favorite Sweathog...he was the tough one, with whom I, as a metal lunchbox brandishing urchin with ragged, sleeveless T's, could readily identify. RIP
39 posted on
01/26/2012 4:47:17 PM PST by
("Don't worry, it's not loaded")
To: John W; Clemenza; AuH2ORepublican; Impy; BillyBoy; GOPsterinMA
Funny guy. Too young to go. RIP.
To: John W
Juan won’t be in school today, or ever again.
signed, Epsteins Mother.
48 posted on
01/26/2012 7:18:21 PM PST by
(Math is hard. Harder if you're stupid.)
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