That's where a record comes in. Not just the record of votes, which is often a meaningless toll of positions taken for political reasons on bills that were always going to pass or were never going to pass, but a record of actions taken that actually mattered.
A record of actions taken that actually mattered. Newt is the man who fits that description to a "T".
He can identify what is most important to the country, develop a plan to overcome that challenge, articulate the the merits of overcoming the challenge and why the plan will work.
I hadn't been for Gingrich initially and spent plenty of energy excoriating him, these last several years, for any number of sins he committed against the Republican/Conservative ideals. He seemed a turncoat of sorts, particularly when he babysat Pelosi on the couch.
On reflection, Newt is an attention whore seeking relevancy for his ideas and I guess I take him at his word that he made a few mistakes in his life and he has at least some regret for those decisions. God knows I am no angel and so I have to reflect on the man's ability to get things done.
Newt gave us the Republican majority, the Contract with America and completed 2/3rds of his agenda while in office.
He now has a new plan for America and with what is likely to become a Congressional Super Majority and a Senate Majority, if not Super Majority, I believe he will absolutely accomplish his agenda.
Say goodbye to ObamaCare the single biggest scam and travesty foisted upon a free people who, by right, ought to have been given the opportunity to read the bill and debate it. Instead, a win at all cost, cheating agenda was developed and it was signed with most people never laying eyes on at least page 2 of this utopian dreck.
Executive Orders Positions:
The following are all within the executive powers to simply order and with the exception of securing the border within one year, they are all easily accomplished with the stroke of a pen and no way to challenge them in the legislature.
Keystone may be challenged in the courts but I think the Executive can order the EPA to approve, under National Security Priorities and it is a National Security issue, as well, a jobs issue.
As President, Newt, could actually have a very busy 1st week or month just on these initiative alone.
1. Eliminate the thirty-nine White House "Czar" positions created during the current administration. The president does not have the authority to appoint bureaucrats to power who are not accountable to the Congress.
2. "Mexico City Policy" of Respect for Life. Reauthorize President Ronald Reagan’s policy – also known as the "Mexico City Policy"— to stop tax payer dollars from being used to fund or promote abortions in foreign countries.
3. Restore conscience clause protections for Healthcare Workers.No American working in a medical environment should be forced to perform any procedure that he or she finds morally or ethically objectionable based on religious teaching. This protection should include, but not be limited to abortion. Existing conscience clause protections need to be strengthened.
4. Respect Each Sovereign Nation’s Choice of its Capital. Each sovereign nation, under international law and custom, may designate its own Capital. Accordingly, the U.S. State Department should be instructed to respect the choice of each sovereign nation and place the American embassy in their Capital. (Israel is the only country the United States discriminates against in this regard. The people of Israel have designated Jerusalem as their capital. Yet the United States retains its embassy in Tel Aviv.)
5. End the Attorney General's Assault on the States. Instruct the Attorney General to withdraw all immigration-related lawsuits against states immediately, including those pending in Arizona and South Carolina. The Obama Administration refuses to enforce federal immigration laws, and instead sues states who are merely trying to enforce the laws that the federal government neglects. The Gingrich Administration will secure the border by Jan. 1, 2014 by any means necessary.
Unleash American Energy by Approving the Keystone XL Pipeline. Instruct the State Department to approve a Presidential Permit immediately for the Keystone XL pipeline, a project that will send 700,000 barrels of oil a day from Great Plains and Southwestern states to Gulf Coast refineries lower staggering energy prices, and create up to 120,000 American jobs.
Now we get into the details of an inclusive agenda that brings the people(you and me), through their representatives, into process. The TEA Party and conservatives are going to have a majority in both houses.
Let’s elect an Executive who will absolutely fulfill the promise of our ideals.
Newt gave us the three most important victories of the 90’s Welfare Reform, Balanced Budget and Reduced Taxes. I hope I don’t need to describe the benefits of those victories. They ought to be obvious to everyone by now.
Lastly, there have been some reports that Newt shouldn’t get all the credit. Really? Then perhaps we marginalize the accomplishments of Washington, Roosevelt, Kennedy and ….wait for it… Reagan.
Do we really want to go down the road with that kind of adolescent sophistry and parsing of what happened?
Newt is the guy who thought of these big things, proposed them and shepherded their implementation?
Newt has once again identified what is important to us now, at this time and described how we can get there with our representative majorities. He has done it before and I declare Newt Gingrich was then and is Now a leader.
We should elect Newt Gingrich to the Presidency of the United States
Sic Semper RINOs
though not quite the same, some shade of 2008. By July 2007, McCain was left for dead, limpin along.. out of money, consultants jumping ship, Romney full of dough...then what happened ? Myth opened his mouth and McCain started winning primaries. Myth was out by February 2008.
( Wish Cain could have stuck it out a little longer)
maybe some Deja VooDoo all over again.
Romney would be a polite Bush 41 clone, albeit further to the left. If the DemonRats ask for a 10% spending increase, Romney would propose an 8% increase and claim victory. Romney would appoint Souter-like judges with "no litmus test."
Newt is far from perfect, but he had significant conservative accomplishments while Speaker: tax cuts, balanced budget, welfare reform.
With last night's debate, Newt won my vote. I want a president who fights the leftists, be they in Congress or the MSM.
I think Romney’s weaseling about his taxes is hurting him. His answer that he will release them in Apreil (after the primaries) becuase he doesn’t want Obama using them against him in the meantime makes no sense. It sounds like he wants to hide something until after the primaries.