A statement which says exactly..... nothing.
If an option is not "open", then it's not "available", is it?
Someone needed to take down Iran, and this goes back at least to George W. The failure to reduce Syria and Iran was a huge mistake. Could have stabilized the entire Middle East.
Thank God Obama thinks all options are on the table too...
Making friends...
Not sending the wrong signals...
Kissing Iran’s ass as it relates to U. S. Citizens and their plight in Iran...
Oh wait. Nevermind...
Joking aside, I half expect Obama to defend Iran’s right to close the Straights of Hormuz if they want to.
This guy makes a head of cabbage look like an MIT graduate.
would one of those options be allowing iran air space to reach Israel?
That filthy koranimal makes my blood boil knowing all its done to export jihad throughout the world. (SPIT)
Well, that won’t be good for the global trade/debt paradigm, although our master constituents won their victory for routing more Canadian oil to China. The Arabs needed $85 oil a couple of years ago. They need $100 oil now.
——”all available options”-——
That includes killing scientists on the street.
You are cavalier in your statement and apparently forgot that Iran plotted to murder the Saudi ambassador. I suppose you don’t know that Iran sent armed troops to Mecca to attempt to take over the Holy Shrines back in about 1980. Also at risk is the UAE and the tallest building in the world and a financial and trade center that is the most modern in the world.
The threat to Israel is not as great as the threat to the Gulf States.
The very fact the statement was made is of extreme importance. The statement is a very very strong message to Iran