Wasn’t Tuskegee mostly a black led and administered program?
It was done with a democrat in the white house. If it was bad, it didn’t happen.
More and more he is acting like Venezuela's dictator Chavez.
Incredible. Secretly infecting people to conduct a study. How do you get immunity from THAT?
There is only one way,, if you believe the State is everything, and the induvidual is nothing.
A long way from Pasteur, conducting the risky test on himself.
Now we have a black man in the White House, and additional STD experiments come to light, and the black president essentially says, "Not my problem. You folks have just got to deal with it."
I'm thinking -- call me crazy -- I'm thinking that Obama will get away with a cavalier attitude here, but that George W. Bush would have been pilloried for such behavior.
Thanks for that information, Robert.
My interpretation is that Eric the Racist Red is justifying future actions to kill honkies, especially old people.
We are getting close to the Old North bridge again.
What is going on here? Obama admin get to show we are evil, (which this is)yet they cannot sue. This coming from this admin?
No, Dr. Cutler isn't quite in that category.
Now, the morality of allowing prisoners to have unprotected sex with prostitutes ~ Hmm ~ then giving them penicillin.
I hope you are aware that penicillin was a new drug ~ it wasn't until just before the D-Day invasion that the United States had LARGE SCALE PRODUCTION. That's 1943!
When initially used it was given to wounded troops without concern for proper dosage levels.
The Tuskegee Experiment started in 1930 ~ and ran for 40 years. There the "subjects" got the syphilis on their own. Now, to the morality of the initial study ~ if penicillin hadn't been invented these people would have all died of syphilis. Since it was invented and administered to them many of them lived far longer than they would have otherwise.
It was a serious error to have NOT given them penicillin when that treatment became available ~ which, for most Americans really wasn't until about 1948.
Early penicillin had risks. Even after many years of refinement of processes and evaluation of dosages and other risks, about 1% may have side effects from administration of penicillin.
The percentage used to be higher. I almost died from a penicillin shot at the age of 4. That was back in the bad old days. "They" finally developed a variety about 10 years ago that I could tolerate without risking death.
Which is why I've always paid close attention to penicillin developments.
BTW, those adverse effects would have happened to many of the folks in the Tuskegee Experiment ~ they would simply have died EARLIER from the penicillin.
The Guatemalan experiment is a bit different. The study began before penicillin was a refined medication and there would have been deaths and injuries that resulted from its use. Assisting prisoners in the acquisition of STDs from prostitutes ~ something they probably would have arranged on their own since it is typically the case in Latin America that conjugal visits are lawful, is probably questionable.
This looks like a double-blind study where the test subjects were not aware of the course of treatment, nor were they surprised at other problems they might have had ~ although when the prisoners were given penicillin and they no longer suffered from gonorrhea (e.g.) they might have imagined that to be a miracle.
Link post 15- When they examined 410 syphilitic blacks for possible inclusion in the study, they found many were in the early, infectious stage, and rejected them as candidates. They turned over no fewer than 178 for the standard arsenic treatment, and kept 140 for the study. They then checked up on these men at rather lengthy intervalsin 1938, 1948, 1952, and 1963giving them full physical examinations, and treating them for any disease other than syphilis.
All I am saying is that if the USA will play the sovereignty card against others, they will certainly play it against you if something happens to you from a “mandatory” vaccine or medicine they say you have to take.
They’ve already given drug companies immunity from prosecution in emergencies or if they need something whipped up quickly. They give docs immunity too. You’re screwed if you get messed up. Always think twice about taking something that has known issues or hasn’t been tested or produced under normal standards and conditions.