Jan. 4th (right after Iowa): Santorum 24% (Second Place)
January 5,6,7th: Santorum 19% (Third Place)
But hey, I went through this with Huckabee last time. Iowa is the whole nomination to some folks. No wonder it gets so much attention - it is all it takes to get Conservicide voters to jump to the next Huckabee/Santorum.
Soon, just like with Fred Thompson, Santorum folks will be demanding that everyone who has been vetted and is loaded with money and organization drop out and support their long-shot upstart trying to make Iowa the entire GOP nomination, based entirely on a wing and a prayer and a second-place finish in IA.
And long-shot upstart Huckabee actually managed to trump Romney in Iowa, as opposed to long-shot upstart Santorum.
I will not commit Conservicide again with Santuckabee. No more hopeless long-shots with no money or organization who do well in Iowa after living there for two years. No more.