“The last Republican debate before Iowa: Did Bachmann just save Romney?”
You wish.
But nice try trying to dig Mitt out of a hole.
Only a liberal would think Romney won last night, Gingrich BLEW ME AWAY again last night. It wasn’t even close.
Winner: Speaker Gingrich
Place: Perry
Show: Santorum
Loser: Romney and his Rollins-prepared servant, Ms. Bachmann.
"I did my job: to defend my Mr. President, Moot Romney."
i ask this question for entertainment purposes only but why would Bachmann a ultra-conseervative kiss Romney’s liberal butt ..supposedly for a VP? slot.
Even if that were true why would she stay with McRomney since he hasn’t gained any traction in 2,, no 7, years?
Bachmann tends to get carried away and in the process plays fast an loose with the facts. Comparatively speaking, she’s been getting a pass on it so far. However, if she becomes the GOP nominee, the media will focus in on this like a laser.
I’m of the belief that an ABR nominee will emerge. At this point I don’t know who that would be. Gingrich has a leg up, but the long knives are out and being wielded not only by the establishment pubbies but the libs as well.
I used to really like Bachmann, but I’m convinced she and Flip have worked out a deal. If he is the nominee she will be the VP pick in hopes of shoring up that huge part of the base that is off-limits for him.
I also think Coulter is well aware of this arrangement between Romney and Bachmann. Her painting Romney and Bachmann as the only two real conservatives in the primary is just too transparent.
LOL. Another leftwing datadump boosts for Romney. I’m shocked!
My scorecard from last night:
Perry avoided any problems, got some good applause at times, and turned in his best debate performance so far. The bad news is while this may push him back into double digits in the polls, he is not likely to go much higher.
Newt continued to distance himself from the pack with both substance and style. His understanding of history is masterful. The issue of his consulting for Fannie/Freddie is overblown and will fade.
TREADING WATER - Rick Santorum
Rick may be the steadiest debate performer, but that is because he is consistently unimpressive with his immaturity and lack of understanding his limitations.
NEEDED TO GAIN GROUND BUT DIDN’T - Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman
Mitt turned in his normal, smooth talking sales pitch that dooms him to the 20% range in the polls. He needed to dent Gingrich in this debate and did not do that.
Jon is at a lower polling range but had the same problem. He is what he is and nothing changed last night. He’s done.
FINISHED AND SHOULD DROP OUT - Michelle Bachmann and Ron Paul
Michelle’s hair was nice but every time she’s gone on the attack, she loses ground in the polls and this one will be the same. If she can’t do any better in Iowa, she’s done.
Ron shot himself in the foot with foreign policy as usual. Some folks seemed surprised with his remarks last night, but they are not new. He’s been saying the same things for years. He has his cadre, but no chance of winning.
I will never, simplynever vote for a man who signed a nazi healthcare bill into law.
In short, FUMR!
She’s angling to be Romney-the-RINO’s VP????
Last night Newt kept with the ‘I'm not a Lobbyist’ routine. The more he does not answer the question with a ‘believable answer’, the more often he is going to be asked the question.
I had to work late last night. I am geting extremely pissed off trying to find this damn debate on the internet. youtube has the @#$%$%#@ing thing blocks for some $#%^#$%^ing reason. The fox site is #$%^#%$ing nonsensical. Whoever does their website I want KILLED KILLED KILLED
All of these are unbiased sources who will give me the straight news.